Chapter 10

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Beam and Forth back to their room. Beam ask Forth take shower first. Forth ask Beam to do so. Both of continue to argue. At a point Forth mention lets have our shower together. Beam shocked to hear that. He silently pinch himself to make sure he is not dreaming. Beam ask Forth not to joke and ask him to take his shower. Forth mention he is serious and drag beam into the shower.

Beam: Forth... what are you doing. Leave me are you crazy?

Forth: Im okay till few days back. Now I'm not okay. Yes.... I'm crazy.

Forth hold Beam in his embrace and open the shower. Forth purposely open cold water which make Beam shiver and snuggle into Forth the moment the water from shower fall over Beam. Forth slowly release his grib and took his hand from Beam but Beam didn't take any effort to get of the washroom. Forth remove Beam's t-shirt and pants. He did the same for him. Beam close his eyes. Beam is aware of what is going on. He had a battle between his heart and his mind. His heart want to be with Forth his mind ask him to punch on Forth's face. Eventually Beam's heart won the battle.

Forth raise Beam's chin and ask Beam to open his eyes. Beam open his eyes slowly and stare at Forth. Forth look at Beam's lips which is much inviting for him with sprinkle of water from shower. Forth slowly kiss Beam on his lips. Beam try to say no but those kiss get much erotic and passionate. Forth explore Beam's lips and futher to his tongue. Their rub against each other and both of them really it stage of getting out control. Forth slowly proceed to Beam's neck and bite beam' adam's apple. Forth engulf Beam's hand and give him the pleasure.

Their intimate moment was disturbed by the door bell. Beam came back his sense immediately grab the towel and get out of the washroom. He open the door and found Kit stand at the door. Beam ask Kit to come in.

Beam: Kit what is the matter?

Kit: Just drop a visit. Did you came out while having shower? Go and complete it first.

Kit hear someone having the shower. Kit's eyes gets wider. He looks at Beam unbelievably. Kit able to those marks left at Beam's neck. Beam couldn't mention anything to Kit. Kit already sense something not right since the start of trip. He notice every action done by Forth and Beam but he didn't question about it. However Forth and Beam's gesture during their play in sea make Kit worried. Kit want to make sure nothing happen that's the reason for his presence at that moment but Kit felt he is late.  Forth came out of the washroom and ask Beam to take his shower. Forth look really strict although Kit is angry but he couldnt said anything . Forth dress up and look at Kit and mention "I know what I'm doing" and leave the room. Kit wait for Beam to get ready.

Kit: Beam... what is really going on here.

Beam: I don't know Kit... I'm confused.

Kit: But how can you give yourself to him.

Beam: Because I still love him...

Tears slowly comes out of Beam's eyes. Kit felt bad for asking such question. He hug Beam and console him. Kit couldn't understand that Forth been with Beam for years and didn't do anything but what happen to him today.

Kit: Beam... did Forth mention anything or propose to you.

Beam: No...

Kit is afraid Forth is toying and playing with Beam. Kit asked Beam to share room with him as he can't let Beam be alone with Forth. Beam agrees to Kit but ask him to keep it as a secret between them. Kit nodded. Both of them join the party organized for seniors but Beam couldn't see Forth there. Another side Wan look upset and keep drinking. Her friend ask her to control. Everything been strange for him. Ming come towards Kit and whisper something into Kit's ear. Beam drink the beer slowly thinking why Forth behave like that. If Kit didn't come they almost had sex. Beam felt embarrassed of himself for being like that. He hate himself as he couldn't control himself when Forth touch him. He ask Kit whether he can use his room. Kit gave his room key and ask whether he is okay or not. Beam mention he want to be alone for a moment and left the party. Beam go to Kit's room and lay on the bed. Without realizing Beam had his sleep. Beam heard someone shouting for his name. When he open his eyes he saw Kit trying to wake Beam up. Kit mention Forth is behaving like a mad person at the beach and they couldn't control him. Beam worried about Forth and run towards the beach.

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