Chapter 22

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Beam felt boring in Pha's room but he couldn't ignore Forth words. He calls Forth and tell him he is hungry and wanted back to his room. He scroll his apps in phone and his phone froze up. He only can feel the phone is vibrating. Beam thought Forth reach and calling him. He inform Pha that Forth reached and walks to the ground floor. There he couldn't see Forth's car or his presence. At that moment a black van comes there. Locas came out of the van with stitches and plaster. He walks to Beam and hold Beam. His friends help Locas to get Beam inside the van. Beam try to escape and shouted for help. They bring Beam into their control by injecting drugs into him.

Beam try to avoid to those injection but he couldn't. Beam started to get drowsy as the drugs began to show it effect. Everything appears blur to him.

After sometime when Beam open his eyes he saw Locas and his friends face who were shirtless and someone trying remove his clothes. Beam try to push away them but he felt so weak and at the same time his desire and lust begin to increase dramatically. He fight against his own lust that his body only belongs to Forth. His vision get blur and soon he lose his consciousness. Beam able to feel someone touching him but he couldn't open his eyes or act against them.

The morning sun's shine falls on Beam's face and he gain his consciousness. He found himself in the a hotel room covered by a blanket.  His clothes was around the room. He pick them up and wear them. His body felt weak and pain. He heard noise of someone being in the washroom. He take his belongings with him run out of the hotel room.

Beam back to his dorm and Forth is not there. Beam sit there and cry when he found there are alot of love bites marks his body. He able to predict what had happen. Beam felt himself not worth for Forth. He doesn't want to live such life anymore. He wrote a letter mentioning he is going far from Forth and asking sorry as he couldn't be pure to him.

For the last time he wanted to see his grandmother's face. He drive back home. His grandma becomes happy to see her favourite grandson came to meet her but Beam couldn't control his tears when his grandma hugs him. Beam's grandma is a wise person and knows Beam well. She knows Beam is torn she didn't inquired him. She ask him to rest as she wanted to cook for him. Beam keep saying he wants go out but his grandma didn't let him go. She request him to take bath then taste a her cooking. Beam agree to grandmother's request.

Meanwhile she call her son who is Beam's father to inform him that Beam is acting weirdly and she is worried anything could happen to him. Beam's father understand the situation and mention he will handle Beam.

After Beam took his shower and eat the food prepared by his grandma Beam wanted to leave. Beam saw his phone where calls and text are keep coming from Forth, Pha, Kit, Ming and Yo but he ignore them and wanted to switch off his phone. Beam's father call him before he do so. He mention his mother is ill and her condition is getting worse day by day. His mother's wish was to see him so his father ask him come to london and meet his parents.

Beam who wanted to end his life feel to full fill his mother's wish. He took the next flight to London. Beam's mother slowly get well after see Beam again and his father make credit transfer so Beam continue to pursue his dream of becoming doctor.

Beam give up the idea of ending his life as he feel responsible to treat patient and save their life but he doesn't want to go back to Forth anymore because of his inner feeling telling him that he is not pure.

Time moves faster and it's already been 4 years Beam came London. He became a doctor and start working in one of the reputable hospital. Although his personal life isn't giving any happiness but his career give him the satisfaction.

The day start as usual and Beam is informed there is an VIP customer today. His colleague is going out so he have to handle that patient. Beam look at the patients record and goes to his room. There stand a handsome young men wearing spectacle while smoking by the window. Beam look at the record and call his name looking at the record, Mr.Tae Darvid

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