Chapter 23

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Beam shocked to see Forth there. He check the record again to see whether he read name accurately or not but it is stated as Tae Darvid. Beam stand in shock but the smoke from the cigarette make him cough. Tae immediately off his cigarette in the ash tray and ask sorry. He gets water for Beam and make him  drink it. Beam feels the same affections that he used to get from Forth.

Are you Okay? Tae asked looking at Beam. Beam nodded yes. Tae asked so your are doctor Carl. Beam reply Dr.Carl is not around so he is incharge of him. Tae smile at Beam make Beam's heart beats faster. Beam ask Tae to sit and look at his record again. Tae us facing lung infection due to heavy smoking. Beam explain the procedure Tae have to go through and advice Tae to reduce his smoking habit.

Tae listen to Beam and agree to go through the procedure he explained. Beam asked if he have any other name Tae reply yes people used to call him David. Beam walk out of the room leaving Tae in the room. He realize how much he is missing Forth. He wonders why life always give such problem to him. Tears filled up his eyes.

When Beam open his eyes he saw Tae standing infront of him. Beam feel embrass as Tae gave his handkerchief to wipe his tears. Beam hestitate to take the handkerchief but Tae insist Beam to take. Tae mention everything will be alright doctor and move from that place.

Beam wipe his tears and try to focus on his duty. Since, Beam have to look after Tae the time Beam have to spent with get longer. Tae become closer with him everytime he meet with Beam. Beam try his best to ignore his feelings but he couldn't.

Although four years had gone Beam never forget to think about Forth and his friends. He always hope he can reverse back the time and goes to Forth back. Forth and his friends try as much as they could to reach Beam but Beam make sure all his information given to his university when he father look for credit tranfers were fake.

Now frequently looking at Tae who looks a like Forth make him miss Forth badly. Beam at home thinking about his past life how things gone far. At the moment a message popped out in his phone. Beam look at it and its from Tae. Beam remembers he give Tae his card and personal number to contact if he have any emergency but Tae invited Beam for dinner. Beam call Tae to reject the invitation but Tae able persuade Beam and make him agree.

Beam goes to the location shared by Tae. It was a fancy restaurant and there Tae waits for him. Tae thank Beam for coming over and bring him inside the restaurant. Tae already reserve the bookings because it is one of the most famous restaurant in london and almost most of time will be fully occupied. Tae ask Beam to order whatever he likes because he mention he doesn't know what Beam likes.

Beam just order some simple meals for him followed by Tae. Beam ask Tae about his family, education and work. Tae share his details with Beam. Tae is british citizen who born in london and grow up here. His father is thai bussiness who meet his mother in london and settle up here. Tae continue about his to tell about his studies and he is currently CEO of Artik Technology. It is software developing company.

Beam have heard about the company before. It is a big multi national company. While Beam and Tae were eating some one came try to attack Tae. Beam saw them earlier and in process of saving Tae, Beam got injured. Tae's body guard came there and bring the situation into their control. Tae bring Beam to nearby hospital and give him the best treatment and bring back to his house.

Beam refused to Tae but Tae is adament. Tae's house is looks extremely luxury and classy.

Beam become mesmerized by the structure of the house

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Beam become mesmerized by the structure of the house. It looks fantastic. Tae bring Beam inside the house. Tae ask Beam to share bed with him as he need assistance as per current situation. Tae make Beam rest in his bed and leave the room as he got call from his bussiness partners.

Beam really feel uncomfortable to be in that house but Tae is not leaving him. The uncomfortness increase as he saw more Tae's picture around the room which remind him Forth. Beam took his phone as he gets calls from a private number. He answer the call and ask who is speaking. The other in person reply make Beam's eye fill with tears. It was no other than Forth. Beam wanted to end the call but Forth begged not end the call and mention I Love You Beam...  

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