Chapter 27

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Locas presence makes Beam angry. He make a fist and punch on Locas's face till his lips bleed. Forth approach Beam and stop him. Beam felt weird with Forth's behavior. Locas ask Forth to let Beam hit him atleast he would feel satisfied. Forth mention thats okay and ask Beam to sit. Beam don't understand what is going on but since Forth with him he felt better. Forth ask Locas to seat as well.

Forth inform Beam that the person he mention was Locas. Beam got suprised there are many thoughts go on Beam's mind. He felt sad because his life become miserable because of Locas and how can Forth said he will be happy after meeting him. Forth understand Beam's confusing feel. He let Locas to speak first. Locas first apologize to Beam and for the first time Beam felt Locas being honest and different. He ask sorry few times as his lust, anger and feel of revenge spoil many people's life. He continue mentioning that he feel happy to see Forth and Beam together again.

Although Beam don't like Locas but he doesn't want someone keep apologizing to him. Beam reply thats okay and ask Locas not to do such things to others. Locas felt happy hearing such word from Beam. He didn't expect Beam would say that. Locas thank Forth for making him to meet Beam. In reply Forth thank Locas for his help. Locas said it is his responsible.

Locas leave the cafe with smilling face. Beam wonder what make Locas change to this extent and why Forth thank him. Beam started questioning. Forth ask Beam to relax and eat the food he order first but Beam denied to do so. He want to know the reason why Forth thank him. Forth reply there is alot of things he need to know and this cafe is not a perfect place for that. Beam instantly ask the waiter to pack all the food ordered by Forth.

Forth just smile at the way Beam behave out of curiosity. Forth bring him to a park.

Forth: Why you left me alone four years ago?

Beam: Forth, I want to know about Locas.

Forth: Answer me first Baby.

Beam: Others touched me, Forth. I'm not pure anymore. I can't save myself.

Beam eyes gets teary mentioning that. Forth hug him and wipe his tears.

Forth: Actually nothing happen that night.

Beam gets shocked listening to what Forth said.

Beam: Forth, don't lie to me. If nothing happen how can feel the pain the next morning and the hickeys on my body.

Forth: I'm not lying to you baby. Those hickeys are from me.

Beam: Uh... what.. from you.. how can be?

Forth: Let me explain what happen. After I reach Pha's dorm I found you are not there and Pha mention you leave just few minutes ago. We able to predict something had happen so we rush to security house to see the camera and as predicted we able to see few people kidnapping you. Pha call his uncle who is a Police Commander to help us. We able to track you with the GPS in your phone. We reached the hotel they bring you. Pha's uncle send police but before they come myself with Pha and Ming break into the hotel room. We had a small fight and police comes there. You are totally unconscious. Pha saw the syringe they inject you and said it contain ecstasy drug.

Beam: They inject me with that?

Forth: Yes... Since you are really weak I decided to stay in that room for that night. Pha and the rest follow the police to proceed with the case. In middle of night you started to sweat heavily and react differently but your eyes are closed. I got scard and call Pha then only Pha said the drug start showing it's effect. To reduce the effect I'm the one who had sex with you.

Beam stand in shock. He couldn't believe what Forth is saying.

Forth: The next morning I wake up earlier. I went to the washroom after ordering breakfast for us but when I come out of the washroom you are not there. I try to call you but you didn't answer my call. I called everyone ask about you but none know where you went. The only thing you left for me is this letter.

Beam felt hurt and sad the moment he saw Forth still keeping the letter he wrote for him before leaving the room.

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