Chapter 24

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Beam... Beam!!! Tae call Beam's name few times till Beam came back to his sense. Beam ask what happens. Tae mentioned he is day dreaming and call him to join supper with him. Beam look at his phone and realize he is dreaming about Forth.

He walk to the dining room. There a small supper is served. Since, Beam's right hand is injured he face hard time on eating the food. He almost give up. Tae realize this and get the spoon from Beam. He took a spoonful of cereal and bring towards Beam's lips. Beam hestitate to eat but Tae force him to have it. He wipes Beam's lips after Beam finish eating the cereal.

Tae complements Beam's lips being soft and pinkish. Beam just smile and thank Tae's compliments. Tae ruffle Beam's hair. Forth's memories strike Beam which made him feel sad. Tae noticed the changes in Beam's face and asked him. Beam said he feel sleepy. Tae bring him to his room and make Beam sleep.

The next morning as the sun shine fall on Beam's face he open his eyes slowly. He found Tae sitting beside Beam staring at his face. Beam's eyes immediately gets wider. Tae ruffle Beam hair and said Good Morning. Beam just able to smile and Tae pinch Beam's cheek which he felt soft.

He bring a tray to Beam which have a set of breakfast. Beam adjust himself to taste the breakfast but Tae ask him to brush his teeth his. Beam remind how he used to ask Forth brush his teeth first but now the thing is  happening they way around.

Tae ask Beam to rest and mention he have so work at his office. Beam reply he has his duty to perform in hospital. Tae smile and said he already inform the director of the hospital Beam working. Beam said he is boring to be here. He wants to go back his house. Tae understand Beam's situation and ask his driver to send back to his house.

Beam immediately beam his happiness but Tae mention he still can't go to work and Beam nodded slowly. Beam back to his house and rest on his favourite couch. Forth's memories start to hunt him back he open his laptop and open his facebook that he had deactivated four years ago. He saw tons of messages from Pha, Kit, Yo and Ming that they sent before he deactivate his account. He look for Forth's profile but sadly he couldn't find them. He look at Pha and Kit's profile picture who proudly hugging their partner. Beam felt all their look changes and look more matured now.

He wanted to messaged Pha and Kit but he stop himself doing so. He miss his friends and his real happiness. He deactivate back his profile. He doesn't know what to do all his colleague are working. He continue to scroll his phone and try to search any news about Forth but everything seems closed.

Beam got an idea he recall Forth's fathers name and search of it. Forth's father is a famous business man so news about him is all over the net. Beam look for the most recent news about him and the moment he read the news his heart shredded into pieces. The news was about the heir of two big bussiness tycoons getting enggaged. Forth's father name and another famous bussiness man's name was mention in the post.

Beam couldn't understand why he is feeling so hurt and tears appear in his eyes. He tell himself that he should be happy for Forth and Forth deserve better but Beam still love Forth deeply which make him sad. He took his wallet and phone with him and goes to a pub which he used to visit. He drinks more than his limit. From far he saw someone approaching him but his vision blurs and couldn't see properly. The person hold Beam from falling and ask what is he doing. Beam rub his eyes and saw Forth holding him. Beam shouted Congratulations Forth.... May you have a happy married life. The person reply I'm Tae... Beam.

Tae felt Beam is hurt. He make the payment for Beam and bring Beam with him. Tae also drunken but not as worse as Beam. Tae carry Beam to his room and make him lay on his bed. Beam open his eyes and touch Tae's face. Forth... I miss you. Why you let such things happen to me?

Beam's eyes tears and Tae wipes them. Tae said everything will be alright. He ask Beam to sleep but Beam said no then he will leave him. Tae promise he won't leave him. Beam pull Tae closer to him and kiss him his lips. Tae tried to resist the kiss but Beam's soft lips bring the situation to different state.

Their kiss grow more passionate and Tae slowly removes Beam's clothes. Tae left few love marks on Beam's neck and continue explore to Beam's body. Beam continue to moan loudly as Tae entrusted his member inside Beam. Both of them felt exhausted and sleep after few sections of exploring.

Beam wake up holding his forehead. He found himself in Tae's house. He saw Tae standing on balcony while having his cigarette. He wanted to stop Tae from smoking because it will make Tae's condition worse but then only Beam realize the pain on his ass and being naked under the comforter.

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