Chapter 21

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Beam struggle to save himself but he couldn't. Locas continue to unbutton his shirt. He took few picture closely with Beam and leave him. He show those pictures to Beam and told him it look so good. He untie Beam's hand and took his handkerchief from the mouth. He told Beam to have sex with him or he will release those picture in the social media and walk out of the class room.

Beam feel torn for what is happening to him. Tears feel up his eyes. He closes his eyes feeling hopeless. He hear some kind noise and open his eyes. He saw Forth hitting Locas badly. Forth face is totaly red and extremely angry. Locas is badly injured and bleeding. Beam rush towards Forth to stop him. Forth ask Locas to give him his phone. Locas give his phone to Forth. Beam asked Forth to leave him. Beam is scard something bad would happen.

Forth leave Locas as he saw Beam crying again. Locas use the opportunity to escape from Forth. Forth goes to Beam and hug him. Forth's hug eventually calms Beam. Forth ruffle Beam hair mention  okay... okay. After sometime Pha came to the class. Looking Beam's condition Pha able to predict something had happen.

Pha ask what happen to Beam. Beam didn't reply to Pha and ask Forth how came there and hit Locas.

Forth: Pha text me that you are alone today so I came to a company you but when I reach your classroom I saw Locas show his phone to you and say something till you cry. He hurts you I just return him the flavour. By the way what is in the phone.

Beam felt Forth doesn't know the whole situation. Beam gets more worried when he think that Forth hit Locas that hard just because he made him cry what will Forth do if he knows the real situation. Beam couldn't answer to Forth's question. He stay silent and Forth didn't force him. Forth gave the phone he get from Locas to Beam and said he will listen to him when he wants to tell.  Forth ask Pha to take care of Beam as he want to get lunch for him. After Forth left Pha ask again what had happen. Beam tell him everything.

Pha: Beam... Forth loves you so much. He can't even see someone hurt you. You should let him know about Locas.

Beam: Pha.. I know Forth love me but do you know how fierce he became just now. Locas nostril broken and bleeding.

Pha: What the hell wrong with you? Why you care for him?

Beam: I care for Forth. I don't want his future spoil because of this. His future is important for me.

Pha: But Beam having a secret in a relationship is not good. It will destroy the relationships.

Beam: I understand that but I just need right time to explain this to Forth.

Pha: Okay... mean while I will try to manage Locas.

Forth back with lunch boxes for three of them. They eat together and Forth able to make Beam feel safe and secure. Forth back to his faculty and call some of his friends. He ask them to inquire about Locas and watch his act time to time. Forth feel he should give time to Beam to reveal the hidden thing to him but meanwhile it is his responsibility to protect Beam.

Forth get details about Locas one by one and he able to know that Locas was Beam's senior in his high school and got terminated because of his discipline action. Forth recalls few years back there is particular moment Beam used to silent and prefer to be alone all time. Forth can feel the same Beam after few years now. Forth ask Pha to bring Beam back to his room as he have some important work and can't let Beam be alone.

Forth goes to Beam's high school to inquire about Locas but management said they couldn't reveal any info to him. Forth call his family lawyer for help. After his lawyer talk with the school management they open back the old case and gave the file to Forth. In the file it was stated that Locas assaults Kit for not accepting his proposal and Kit was saved by Beam. Beam maked official complain againts Locas who was nominated for school election. Beam's complain make him disqualified for the nomination to seek his revenge he try to rape Beam in the toilet but he saved by Pha.

Forth fumes in anger when he learned Locas try to rape Beam. Forth just think how to teach a lesson to Locas so he won't look at Beam anymore. Before he come up with a plan Beam calls him. Beam mention he is hungry and wants to go back to his room. Forth decided to take care of Beam first. He drive to Pha's dorm and call Beam but Beam didn't pick up his call.

Forth assume Beam should be sleeping so he directly goes to Pha's room. Pha shocked to learn that Forth just had arrive because 10 minutes ago Beam receives a call and he leave mentioning Forth has reached.

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