Chapter 2

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Pha and Kit saw Forth and inform Beam. Forth recognize Pha's car and walk towards it. He greets all of them and they congratulate Forth while teasing him about his proposal. Beam get down of the car and thank Pha for his treat. "Ai... Forth what are you doing here? You supposed to be somewhere else" asked Beam in a way to tease him. He just portraits something to hide his feelings. Forth smile and show the food he bought for Beam.

Beam: What's  that Forth?

Forth: Any guess?

Beam: Hmmm no...

Forth: Your favorite steamed lobster with seared wild mushroom.

Forth: Your favorite steamed lobster with seared wild mushroom

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Beam: Uh... But I just had my meal.

Forth: Ya...  Pha told me you already had your meal but when I saw the lobster I remembered last time when we went there you couldn't eat it. So I buy it for you now. Come let's go eat.

Beam just smile and get the food from Forth. Beam and Forth bid goodbye to Pha and Kit who was still there listening to their conversation. Pha and Kit just pray to give more strength to Beam.

Kit: Pha... I guess it's not that easy for Beam to move on in his life.

Pha: I felt the same Kit. At first, I think after Forth get committed he will give less attention to Beam but he didn't change.

Kit: Yes... I think we should let Forth know about Beam's feelings for Forth. At least it would help Beam to move on.

Pha: I guess so Kit but how if Forth completely avoid Beam after that. I don't think Beam can take that. He can manage this but he can't manage that.

Kit: True also... oh god please do something that makes everything goes smoothly.

Beam and Forth go to Beam's room and have the dish together. Beam really couldn't bite the lobster hard shell event through its already knocked with the hammer by the chef. Forth took the lobster from Beam's plate and help him to get flesh. Forth then feed the flesh to Beam and wipe his lips.

Beam: Oh.. Forth let me do it myself. All the time you did it for me and I'm not learning it.

Forth: Why you want to learn it when I can do it for you?

Beam: But you can't be with me all the time.

Forth: Why I can't be... I will be always with you.

Beam just smiled at Forth. He excuses himself and goes to the washroom. His eyes feel tears, Beam doesn't want Forth to see that. He quickly washes his face and forced himself to smile. Forth help Beam to clear and wash all the dish. Beam told Forth that it's getting late for him. Forth reply he will be staying at his place. Its something usual for Forth to stay at Beam's place. Most of Forth's belongings are there in Beam's place.

The next day when Forth wakes up he found Beam already went to class. In the coffee table next to the bed, Beam left a note mentioning Forth to have breakfast prepared by him. Forth walk to the kitchen and saw the breakfast prepared by Beam. He smiles when he saw another sticky note next to the plate "Brush your teeth first".

Forth brush his teeth and had the breakfast. He took his phone and thank Beam for the breakfast. Beam smile to the text he received from Forth in the class. Kit gets closer to Beam and ask what is going on. Beam said he prepared breakfast for Forth and Forth thank him for that. Kit just hope although Forth can't be Beam's boyfriend at least make their friendship stronger. Before their class come to end their professor remind them about their assignment that needs to submitted today.

Kit and Pha took their assignments and wanted to submit but Beam stop. He forgets about the assignment due date. He only completed half of it. Pha and Kit give their papers to Beam and ask him to complete his work during lunch hours. Beam put his full effort on completing his assignment. Pha got a call from the management that he needs to be there since Pha is the campus moon. Pha, bring Kit with him so Beam can do his work without any disturbance. Beam stay focused on his work till he didn't realize Forth is in front of him and watching him.

Beam: Forth... when you come?

Forth: Beam... I have been watching you for 15 minutes but you didn't realize my presence.

Beam: Sorry Forth I had finished this work by today. I forget to do it.

Forth: Okay.. okay continue. Had your lunch?

Beam: No time Forth... I will eat these biscuits.

Forth: Okay.

Forth go to food stall and bought one plate tom yam fried rice. He gave it Beam and ask him to eat first but Beam said he will eat it after he finishes his work. Forth took the spoon of the fried rice and bring it towards Beam's mouth. Beam look at Forth. Forth said he will feed him so he can do his work while having his meal. Beam said no since they are on campus canteen but Forth force Beam to eat and continue to feed him. Wan saw this and approach them.

Wan: Forth... What are you doing here?

Forth: Hi Wan. I came to have to lunch with Beam but he is busy with his work so I'm just helping him.

Beam expects Forth to stop what is he doing but Forth didn't even though Wan is watching them and Beam feel she is getting irritated.

Wan: Forth are you free now? I need to go stationary shop buy some tools.

Forth: Yes... I am free. I will bring you after Beam done with his meal.

Beam: Forth enough... you bring Wan. I can eat myself.

Forth: No.. you won't Beam...

Wan: Forth I will wait at your car.

Forth: Okay Wan...

Beam: Forth.. go she is waiting.

Forth: Okay... take two more spoons.

After Beam consume two spoons of fried rice

Beam: Forth done...

Forth: Just... two more only.

Note: Wan is a medical student and Beam's classmate with Pha and Kit.

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