Chapter 20

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Beam and Kit look at each other for a moment. Pha ask Beam and Kit whether they want to let Forth and Ming knows about Locas. Kit reply Ming knows about Locas even before he told him since they are from same high school. So, he just hope Ming doesn't do anything. Pha and Kit then looked at Beam who seem lost. They ask Beam whether Forth knows about Locas or not. Beam said he had hide about it to Forth that time. Pha ask Beam to inform Forth now but Beam reply he doesn't want to do so. Kit asked why and Beam tell them the problem Forth faced by his senior. Beam mention he don't want to increase the problem for Forth anymore and he will manage.

Pha gets worried about Beam. Kit gets call from Ming and text continuously. Kit mention Ming already see Locas in campus and he have meet Ming before Ming do anything. Mentioning that Kit took his bag and walk out of their class room. Pha ask Beam to tell him if anything happen or if can tell the truth to Forth. Beam just nodded to Pha.

Beam wonder why the things he want forget appear again. He felt upset when he recall those moment. Forth wait for Beam at medical faculty as usual after class and call him. Beam reply he already back to his room. Beam ask Forth to go to his room as he want to be alone for a moment. Forth agree to Beam but he knows something is wrong. He ends the call with Beam and call Kit to inquire. Beam ask Pha and Kit not to reveal anything to Forth so Kit just cover up by saying something for Beam.

Forth goes to meet Beam, he about to knock Beam's door but he remembers Beam's word he wants to be alone so Forth leave him and back to his room.  Forth keep texting Beam but there is no proper reply from Beam.

The next day Forth buy breakfast for Beam and goes to medical faculty earlier. Beam comes there and sit beside Forth. Beam could understand he is hurting Forth but he couldn't be normal after hearing Locas's name. Forth took the breakfast that he buy for Beam and feed him. Beam asked sorry for his action. Forth just smile and pinch Beam's cheek. Forth hold Beam's hand.

Forth: Beam I can understand something is ruining your inner peace. You can share with me if you want.

Beam: Hmmm... Forth

Forth: Beam... I can wait. Don't force yourself. I just want to see you happy face.

Forth hug Beam and Beam feel a bit relief. He decided to tell the truth to Forth by night. Beam goes to his class and found Kit and Pha not there. Beam check his phone and saw text from Kit and Pha. The first text from Kit mentioning Ming is not feeling feel and he have to take care of him. The next text from Pha saying he wake up late and will join the evening class.

Beam just shook his head and focus on his lesson. After his class ended Beam goes to canteen to get some snacks. While purchasing his snacks he felt someone is getting really close to him. He turn back and shock to see Locas smiling at him. Beam pay for his snack and walk quickly from there. Beam felt relief when he found Locas didn't follow him. He go to his class.

The moment he enter his class someone push him inside and lock the door. Beam saw Locas again smiling at him. Locas walk towards Beam and mention he much cuter now. He touch Beam cheek and Beam push away his hand.

Locas: Soft as before...

Beam: What you want?

Locas: What else I want? Just one night with you.

Beam: No way... Get lost.

Beam shouted.

Locas: Then, I have to take it myself. Let see who save you this time.

Beam tried to fight with Locas but he is bigger and strong then Beam. He took his belt and tie Beam's hand. He took his phone and set in video recording mood. Beam shouted for help but he close Beam's mouth with his handkerchief and started to unbuttoned Beam's shirt.

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