Part 72

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Rain's pov

It's been about a month since we all sat down and talked about the baby with Taehyung, and I am finally starting to show signs of being pregnant. I was starting to get nervous and told my doctor that as well, but he said it was perfectly normal for girls like me to show later than normal.

 I have always been one to work out and take care of my body, meaning that it took more time for the baby bump to start to show than those who don't. I am also really skinny for my size, which he said also contributed to that as well. 

Taehyung has been doing everything that he said he would. He has gone to every single one of my doctor's appointments along with Hoseok, even though I have a feeling that they don't like each other very much. I always find them either glaring at each other or arguing, it a real pain in the ass. They could at least pretend like they get along. I don't know what their problem with each other is, but they better stop before it stresses me out.

What I have been worried about, actually, hasn't been about what Taehyung is doing for me. Its about him in general. I want to hate him. I really do. I want to resent him for leaving me all those years ago, and for not contacting me whatsoever. I want to hate him for calling me those names wen he broke up with me as well, but I can't. 

It was almost three years ago that he did all of those things, and I can't bring myself to hold a grudge against him any longer. Yes, what he did was wrong and it hurt me at the time, but it is in the past. He has apologized countless times to me and the guys, and I find myself wanting to forgive him. He may have moved on with Ami, but that was his choice. Its his life, and he can do whatever he feels like doing.

He is also helping out a lot with the baby. It was both of our faults for getting into this situation, but he honestly didn't have to take responsibility for this child. He didn't have to step up and become a father at such a young age, but he did. Yes, hiding it from Ami is undoubtably wrong, but he is still doing this with me. I can't hate someone who would do something so huge and important for someone that isn't even born yet. 

My phone rings and I stop what I am doing, putting the maternity clothes I had been looking at back on the clothes rack. I may not be big enough to need them right now, but I will need some new clothes in the near future. Taehyung's name flashes on the screen, a confused frown on my face as I answer the call.

"Hello? Taehyung? What do you need?"

"Hey Rain. Are you free right now?"

I look around me, noticing how no-one is even in this section of the store right now except for me. I clear my throat after thinking about it for a little while, already walking towards the exit.

"Yes, I guess so. Why?"

I can hear the relief in his voice as he speaks next, it obvious that he is having trouble with something at the moment.

"I'm trying to decide on which crib to buy for the baby's room, but I can't choose......can you help me?"

I sigh at how lost he sounds, unconsciously rolling my eyes as I look around for an unoccupied taxi. I find one and flag it down, opening the door and settling inside of it.

"Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes."

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