Part 16

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Taehyung's pov

I glance over to the side, my eyes landing on Rain as she reads beside me. I went over to her house to hang out, but she forgot to do her homework. We are reading a book in one of our classes, and she forgot to complete it. I was surprised when she told me that considering she is usually the first one done with projects like this.

My eyes move down to her neck, them lingering a little longer than I thought that they would. I look at the three bruises on her neck as she moved her hair behind her ear. Two of them are older, them slightly faded yet still distinguishable. The other hickey is newer, the dark purple color standing out beautifully against her flawless skin. It is near the base of her neck where her neck meets her collar bone, it much bigger than the last two are. Just seeing them fills me with a sense of pride. It lets everyone know that she is mine, and I am hers.


She turns her head after marking her spot in her copy of the book with her finger, her gentle eyes looking into mine with curiously. My hands start to sweat as I try and think about how I am going to phrase my question, my sudden nervousness surprising me.

I've never actually done this before.

"What is it Tae?" she asks me, her soft voice making me somewhat more calm. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe before speaking, trying to slow down my rapid heartbeat.

"So the big game is coming up. It's the last game of the season, and pretty much everyone is going to be there...."

She sits up straighter, her eyes peering into mine with so much kindness that it makes me want to take her into my arms and never let go. She slowly grabs ahold of my hand, her palm soft against mine. It is incredibly small compared to my larger one, its warmth welcoming to me.

"Yeah I know about it" she says with a smile.

"That's the day the school lets us wear whatever we want to school as opposed to our uniforms."

I nod at this, figuratively hitting myself over and over again in my head from my stupidity. Of course she knows this rule. We have been going to this high school since freshman year. I clench my eyes shut and breath in and out, mentally preparing myself to ask her what I have been wanting to ask since I got here after school.

"I was wondering if you would wear my basketball jersey to school the day of my game."

I let out the air I was holding before looking at her, my eyes probably as wide as hers are right now. I have never asked a girl to wear my jersey before a game before. The basketball players usually ask their girlfriends to wear their jersey before the championship game for luck. I have never had an actual girlfriend before, so I never had to ask someone. This whole experience had me more nervous than I was when my teacher called me up to the front of the class to read something in English.

"I-I-I mean, you d-don't have to. I'll just p-play and--"

I am cut off by her soft lips, them efficiently stopping me from talking. She pulls away right after, her cheeks red as she grins in my direction. I absolutely love her smile and the way it makes her eyes light up, the tiny indent by her lips making me want to squeeze her cheeks and never let go.

"Of course I will. I would love to."

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