Part 73

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Rain's pov

"I thought that you said that you were looking for a crib."

I am at a loss for words, my eyes wide as I stare at the so-called "adult" standing in front of me. How in he world did her graduate high school like this? Everyone should know the basics about babies and their necessities from home economics, which is a required class, and yet here he is.

He frowns at me before looking back over at what he was staring at when I walked into the store, confusion displayed clearly on his face. He turns back to me after a few seconds, still looking as confused as he was before.

"What do you mean by that? Isn't this what you call a crib?"

I slowly turn around so that I am no longer facing him, literally face-palming at what he just said. When he was talking about him not knowing about how to take care of a child, he wasn't kidding. He had said that he was afraid that he would accidentally kill the child, but I hadn't believe him for a second. Now I'm beginning to doubt myself.

"Tae.......this is a highchair."

I open my eyes and watch as his mouth widens in sudden understanding, his eyes widening as well. I can't believe it when he starts laughing, his eyes closed as he leans against the highchair for support.

"Oh! That makes more sense. I was wondering how that would be comfortable to sleep on."

I can't do anything but shake my head in embarrassment as he walks around the store some more, already tired of being here. I can only follow him around like a lost puppy as he inspects everything, giving my input only when he asks for it. I don't understand why we have do this now. Isn't this what baby showers are for anyway?

"Rain, over here!"

I hurriedly follow the sound of his voice, afraid that he will get into trouble if I don't keep an eye on him. I expect to find him covered in glue or something crazy and unusual like that. What I don't expect is for him to be standing in front of a display, his smile wide as he motions for me to come closer.

"Isn't this so cute?"

He grabs my wrist and pulls me over to his side as I stare at the manikins set up in front of us, me seemingly unable to look away. There are three of them set up there, my eyes flickering between all of them. One is the tallest, the other not that much shorter. The last one is the size of a three-year-old, its plastic hand holding onto the tallest's. Three identical outfits are covering their man-made bodies, the outfits light blue in color.

"What do you think?" Taehyung asks as he stands behind me, startling me out of my daze. I can't help but smile as I look at them standing together, not even flinching when his arms wrap naturally around me from behind. His hands rest on the slight bump of my stomach, my smaller hands resting on top of his.

"I think they look like a real family" I say softly, leaning back into his embrace as he rocks us from side to side. He hums in agreement, his head resting on my shoulder as we stare up at the same thing. 

My smile slowly fades as I realize what we are doing, my eyes shifting from in between the manikins to where he is holding me. I remove my hands from on top of his and clear my throat, suddenly growing uncomfortable. He seems to realize the position we are in as well, him immediately backing away from me. I can't help but grow angry at myself when I feel empty without his arms around me, my body and mind missing his touch.

I wave away his apologies, smiling awkwardly as we continue to look at all of the things that this store has to offer. I glance in Taehyung's general direction and see that he is already looking at me, both of us looking away as soon as we see that we caught the other's attention.

 My heart feels as if it is going to beat out of my chest as I wring my hands nervously, unsure why I feel so nervous all of a sudden. I really need to get a grip on reality because I'm just confusing myself at this point. 

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