Part 88

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Taehyung's pov 

Rain is crying, and its all my fault. I can't get her tear-ridden face out of my head, my eyes wide as I stare at the road in front of me. I had let her walk home by herself, because that was obviously what she needed. Rain has always been the kind of person who wants to be alone when she cries, and I had no right to force her to stay with me when it was obvious that she didn't want to.

I can't let her be alone for much longer though, which is why I am on my way to her apartment right now. I had to stop by my house to help Ami pack first, which is why I am getting a later start than I had wanted. Ami is heading back to live with her parents, and I can't help but feel bad for her. 

She was an insanely nice girl with a large heart, and she had fallen for me too quickly. That wasn't what we had planned, which is why sending her away makes me upset. We had agreed not to fall in love with each other, but she had. It didn't work out between us, but I hope she can find love again some day.

I park in the indoor parking lot before turning my car off, locking the doors after I get out. The elevator ride up to her floor is insanely quiet, my ears not even picking up on the music playing in the background. The only thing that I can focus on is what I'm going to say to her, nothing else filling my head.

I know that I was only doing what I was told to do, but I shouldn't have. I had been trained from a young age that if I didn't do what my father told me to I would get beaten. I had been living in fear of him for the majority of my life, and it took me realizing how awful I would feel if I didn't have Rain in my life to stand up to him. That doesn't justify my actions at all, but I hope that she will at least listen to what I have got to say.

I open the door without knocking, which is what I have been doing since the whole agreement started. I ignore the yells from the kitchen and living room, instead going straight for Rain's room. It is dark, the only light coming from the window by her bed. She turns around as soon as I close the door behind me, her eyes wide as she stares at me.

"I never loved Ami" I say quickly, not waiting for her to speak. "I only agreed to marry her because it would help my family's company. I never wanted to take over the company, but it had been ingrained into my mind that I had to follow everything my parents told me to do.

 I never loved Ami while I was with her, and I never stopped loving you. I would think about you every day that I was gone, and I still do. I love you so much that it physically hurt every time I had to lie to you. When I saw you again after so many years, I felt as I my heart was being ripped apart.

I broke things off with her because you are the most beautiful person in this world to me, and I can't stand seeing you so upset. I am so sorry Rain. I'm sorry that I couldn't stand up to my father. I'm sorry that I had to lie to you for so long. I'm sorry that I made you cry so many countless times. I'm sorry that you had to fall in love with an idiot like me."

I watch as silent tears stream down her face, unable to do anything. I know that she said that she loved me, but its her choice. She doesn't have to forgive me for what I have done. To be honest, I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't. 

"You don't have to forgive me, or even talk to me. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't gone a single day without thinking about you. I never wanted to raise this baby with Ami. I want to start a family with you. I don't want this child to just be mine.....I want it to be ours."

I turn around, my shoulders slumped as I head for the door. For some reason I thought that getting all of that off of my chest would make me feel better. It just succeeded in making me feel more lousy. 


I turn around at the sound of her voice, looking into her beautiful eyes as she looks at me from her spot on her bed. She glances down before biting her lip, looking back up at me with a small smile. 

"Our baby........its a girl."

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