Part 77

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Taehyung's pov

I can't help but smile as I walk through the front door of Rain's apartment. Ever since Rain and Jimin told me about her being pregnant, I have been over at their apartment almost every other day. It has brought me and everyone else closer together, even Yoongi opening up to me now. 

I still feel awful about beating him up before I left in high school. I was stupid, thinking that making Rain hate me would make her suffer less when I left. He was there, and I used him to my advantage. I have since apologized to him, and he was willing to look past it all.

I still don't like Hoseok though. He seems like he is a really nice guy, but I can't seem to shake the bad feeling I have off. I don't think that he would cheat on Rain, he doesn't seem like that type of person, but something can't right. I don't know. Maybe I'm just thinking harshly towards him because he is my replacement. 

I wave over where Yoongi and Jimin are sitting on the couch, smiling when they both wave back. I pat Jungkook on the back as a thank you for opening the door for me heading over towards Rain's room. She said that she wanted to meet with me before we went to her check up later today.

The hallway is empty, seeing as everyone else is in the living room. On the walls, pictures of the four friends can be seen, their smiling faces shining down at me. I pause as I get to the one right across from Rain's room, stopping to admire it.

They are at the beach in Busan, the sun high in the sky as the waves crash down on the shore behind them. They look happy, their smiles wide as they cling on to each other. Rain's hair is down and framing her face, her skin practically glowing while she slings her arm around Jungkook's shoulders.  I frown as I touch the picture frame, a sudden wave of sadness hitting me when I realize that I want to be the reason that she is smiling.

"What is it Hobi?" I flinch at Rain's voice, turning around in shock. Her door is slightly open, her and Hoseok's voices flowing out and into the hallway where I am standing. I don't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I don't want to interrupt them either. I try not to listen as I wait, but its hard not to.

"I just......I'm confused"

Hoseok sounds almost sad as he sighs, my eyes locked on the door in front of me. I can hear it when the bed shifts a little, Rain probably sitting down next to him.

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything" Rain says in her soft, melodic voice, concern obvious in her tone. 

"Have you really forgiven Taehyung after everything he did to you?"

I freeze, suddenly entirely locked onto their conversation. I grow nervous as Rain's silence goes on for a while, walking a couple of steps forward. 

She sighs, "you know I have Hobi. Yes, he hurt me...a lot...but I have been thinking about it as well. What if he didn't mean to? The Taehyung that I knew would never say such hurtful things to me without reason. Maybe he didn't want me to hurt when he left, even though the way he broke things off with me destroyed me. I......I forgive him for doing that. I just wish he would have told me instead."

I blink slowly, trying not to let her words get to me. She's right. I was an idiot for doing that to her. I honestly thought that I was doing the right thing. I thought that, if made her hate me, she would be glad to see me go. I didn't take into account that it was Rain I was thinking about. Rain isn't the type of person to give up easily. She still loved me, even after I beat up her "best friend" and called her those awful, untrue names.

I take a few steps back before walking towards the door with heavier footsteps than before, trying to make it obvious to the couple that I am here. I knock before poking my head into the room, avoiding Rain's gaze as I do so.

"I'm ready to go?"

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