Part 3

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Rain's pov

I can't help the tapping of my foot as I sit at the lunch table with everyone. I am aware of the stares I am getting from both of my friends due to our conversation in first period today. I am especially aware of Taehyung sitting closer to me than he probably should be. His warm thigh is pressed against the outside of mine, his arm brushing against mine as he eats.

It's like I am especially aware of his presence since whatever the hell happened in class earlier. It had come out of nowhere, his hands sending delicious tingling sensations through my body. My cheeks tinge with pink just from the memory of him being so close to me, his suggestive words making my shiver. I had never been so close to him before, and it's going to drive me insane.

"Yah! Rain. Are you even listening to me?"

I turn to look at a pouting Jungkook, my eyes widening when I realize that I had been spacing out.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. What were you saying?"

He goes back to smiling, displaying his bunny teeth. His eyes crinkle in the corners as he looks at me, his warm gaze filling me with a sense of belonging.

"We were all going to head out to get bubble tea later. Would you like to join us?"

I look at my friends as they nod their heads enthusiastically for me to go. I hate to disappoint them, but I can't.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can't go today."

I am startled by something warm landing on my upper thigh, the movement causing my skirt to shift upward slightly. I glance over at Taehyung from the corner of my eye, seeing him already looking at me. I look down at my leg at his hand as it sends a tingling sensation spreading to the tips of my toes.

"Why not Rain? I was looking forward to seeing you there."

I can feel it as my cheeks turn red from his comment, my lips trembling as I wet slightly them with my tongue. Did he really just say that to me? Just the scent of him being so close to me is making it hard to think properly. I take a deep breath, trying to ignore the distinct smell of earthy goodness emanating from him.

"I have to tutor Namjoon today in the library from after school till around 6:30."

I watch as his eyes harden, a small frown appearing on his devilishly handsome face.

"Namjoon as in Kim Namjoon? The smart guy in our English class?"

I nod, not exactly sure why he is so defensive all of a sudden.

"Yeah, that Namjoon. He isn't doing that well in Science and wanted me to help him with the lesson we just learned" I say timidly, watching his expression darken. What is up with him?

"Ah, I there something going on between the two of you?"

I nearly choke on my spit. Is something.......what? Why would anything be going on between the two of us? I guess Namjoon is attractive, but I've never thought of him in that way. Not with Taehyung around anyway. Besides, I am a total nerd. Who would want to go out with me?

"Of course not! I only think of him as a friend. Besides, he has a girlfriend."

He studies me as if trying to see if I am telling the truth. His fingers dig into my thigh slightly, causing me to jump in surprise. I don't move away though, too ensnared by his gaze. He suddenly smirks, turning away to look back at his lunch again.

"Ok. Good."

My eyebrows crease in confusion as I turn back to face the front. What was all of that about? If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that Taehyung was jealous of me spending time with Namjoon. But that's crazy, right?

A startled gasp exits my lips when his hand squeezes my thigh again, his fingers gliding across the sensitive skin of my leg. I sit completely still, not even daring to move, as he goes from the outside of my thigh to the inner thigh. The touch is so soft and intimate that I have to hold my breath so that no unexpected sounds can escape my mouth from the sensual feeling.

I close my eyes as his hand moves up and down my thigh, getting higher and higher with every movement. His fingers just barely touch the side of my underwear when he stops, his hand freezing over the spot.

"Rain, are you falling asleep or something?"

I jump up and look across the table at Silvia as she stares at me in concern. I shake me head to clear my mind, my heart beating erratically in my chest.

"N-No. I was j-j-just thinking about g-getting an earl-ly start to class. I'll see y-you guys in PE."

I bolt up out of my chair, almost knocking it over in the process. I glance down at Taehyung before immediately looking away, my whole face probably red with flustered embarrassment. I pick up my bag and exit the lunch room, my hands a sweaty mess as I make my way towards the locker rooms. What the fuck is he doing to me?

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