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Hello friends,

I've recently finished re-writing and correcting this story, thus shaping it into its final form. I did not make any major changes plot-wise, however, I have corrected numerous grammatical errors and have changed a few parts that I deemed unworthy or unfit for such a story. Overall, I believe that I have made this fanfiction a more enjoyable experience without taking away the meaning or the content of what I wanted to convey with the story all those years ago.

I dedicate this entire story to my dearest friend who was amongst the first people to read this fanfiction and who ended up as one of my closest friends over the years. I just want to say thank you. You know who you are.

I also want to thank everyone who took the time to read it and to comment or vote on this fanfiction. I seriously love this fandom.

Take care,


THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now