Chapter 2: Will We Make It?

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After Gandalf had saved you, Thorin Oakenshield asked you to join the company. Since you lost the trail of the orcs you had been tracking down and you weren't really familiar with those parts of Middle Earth, you gladly accepted his offer. That was how you officially became a member of the company of Thorin Oakenshield.

Reclaiming Erebor seemed like an impossible task to accomplish, but you were quite adventurous and never shied away from a challenge. Besides, their cause seemed just and you gladly allowed the line of Durin to utilize your talents in the oncoming fights.

During the first days you learned about the myths and rumors about the Swift Fox. The Swift Fox - as the rumors said - wielded a white bow carved with the ancient runes of her ancestors. She was the saviour of the small towns and the little people nobody cares about. They say she'd slain a thousand orcs by now (no matter how much you counted that night when you went to lay down, you didn't reach a thousand).

Most of the dwarves liked you instantly and they reminded you of your family and childhood. Thorin respected you for your reputation and you had a couple of occasions to prove yourself as well. You spent most of your time with Gandalf and Thorin but you happened to appreciate the company of Bilbo Baggins as well.

But something had happened, after which everything changed. You sat by the fire one night enjoying the company of Thorin. You were telling him the tales of your ancestors.

"So Phiala defeated the Warg?" Thorin asked, amused.

"She did," you smiled fondly. "And she saved the whole town."

"You sure have some impressive ancestors," Thorin chuckled and shook his head gently.

"(Y/n). It's late. I'll take first watch. Go get some rest. We have a long way to go tomorrow," he said and stood up to take his place from where he'd keep watch. Before he left he placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Tomorrow we'll talk about something important. Have a good rest."

You smiled a tired smile before rolling out your bedroll and covering your shoulders with a piece of thick fox fur you'd been gifted by Thorin's nephews. Stars, they acted so strangely around you.

Fili and Kili never left your side from the very first day. You had deep conversations with Fili which you treasured. You shared your experiences and fighting techniques but you also talked about other things like history. He always stood up for you and sometimes even his presence calmed you. He was so loving and protective of you, but you just brushed it off. He must have gotten used to protecting his little brother all the time. Kili on the other hand, was incredibly untamed and playful. Whenever you saw that lopsided grin you couldn't help but grin back at him. You two pulled a dozen of pranks on the members of the company - much to their annoyance - and were very enthusiastic about certain things like bows and arrows or mischievous things. Even though it was hard to take him serious most of the times, very occasionally he surprised your with his maturity. His maturity that he concealed very well most of the time.

You sighed softly at the thought of the two brothers. You closed your eyes as you absentmindedly brushed your fingers through your (h/c) hair. Every time you were with Fili or Kili, you felt something warm in your chest. You weren't really the blushing type of maiden and you thanked Mahal for that, because you knew you already would have blushed madly a few times.

You let out a surprised gasp as you felt another hand comb through your hair. You opened your (e/c) wide and relaxed after realizing the owner of the hand was Kili. He chuckled at your reaction.

"Jumpy, are we?" he mocked you.

"Oh shut it," you said closing your eyes again. You sighed softly as he gently untangled your hair. Kili suddenly grabbed your laying form and pulled it towards himself so your head was resting on his lap. He continued brushing through your curls and you hummed a calm tune. After a couple of minutes he let out a frustrated sigh.

"(Y/n)... I need to know something," said Kili, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Go on," you encouraged him with a small smile.

"Do you think we will make it?"

A sudden wave of sadness and negativity washed through you. You had never considered the option of losing anybody or failing at reclaiming Erebor, but the chances weren't thin at all, now that you came to think of that. You slowly sat up and looked into his big brown eyes full of concern and doubt.

"I will never let anything happen to any of us. It is a promise," you said and held his hands in yours. "And I am sure you won't either."

He squeezed your hands in reassurance. You didn't feel tired at all, to be honest you needed time to think. You patted his knee and stood up.

"I'm going to take watch. Thorin needs to rest as well." You started to walk away but after a few steps you stopped and turned around.

"And Kili. Smile. It suits you," you winked jokingly and he broke into a small grin. You smiled to yourself as you made your way towards Thorin.

"(Y/n)," you heard a hushed voice and you came to an abrupt halt.

Fili stepped forward and suddenly pulled you into a strong embrace. You were hesitant first, but then you wrapped your arms around him. You buried your face into the fur collar of his coat as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. You had no idea why he hugged you, but it felt comforting to be in his arms, and to touch him in general - just like with Kili.

After a good couple of minutes he pulled away.

"Thank you. Thank you for looking out for my little brother," he whispered and with that he was gone.

You reached Thorin in a rather light-headed state and plopped down next to him on the trunk where he'd been sitting.

"I've told you to get some rest," Thorin said in a very commanding tone.

"I can't. I'm not tired."

He sighed, obviously irritated, but he didn't say anything.

"You know... since I am here, you could tell me about that thing you wanted to talk about," you said, looking at him expectantly.

"Yes, you're right." Thorin looked you dead in the eye. "Which one of my nephews do you like?''

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now