Chapter 6: Not Alone

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Escaping the goblin tunnels was one thing, but losing the wargs that had caught up with you shortly after Bilbo's mysterious return was another.

"Out of the frying pan..." Thorin muttered.

"And into the fire," Gandalf finished his sentence. "Run!"

You ran as fast as you could but the wargs' howling came from closer and closer. You were the quickest in the company so you lead them side by side with Thorin. The creatures reached you and you started fighting them off. You shot arrows at the vicious wargs, also making sure of Bilbo's safety, while Thorin slayed the ones nearing you. Once you fought back the first attack, you ran again. You sensed that something was not alright. That was when you came to the end of the cliff. Peering over the edge, you saw an enormous drop only a step away from you. You suddenly felt dizzy. Jumping off the cliff would be suicide. Then you saw the tall pine trees. Your only chance of survival.

Gandalf followed your gaze up and immediately understood your plan.

"Climb the trees!" he shouted.

You started climbing swiftly and gracefully and when you reached a reasonable height, you helped the others up. You were sitting on one of highest branches of the tree closest to the cliff. And then their offensive fell.

The wargs attacked you and clawed at the bark of the pine trees, trying desperately to reach you. They couldn't, but they managed to knock down the first tree, causing a massive chain reaction - the first hewed down tree knocked over the next, and the next, and so on. Blood drained from your face when you watched the others jump from tree to tree and realized that if your tree - the last one standing on the edge of the cliff - was to be brought down, you would all fall to your death.

The wargs were now clawing at the last pine tree, when Gandalf shouted. "(Y/n)!" You looked up and he threw you a pinecone which was on fire. You smiled brightly at the sight of it. That was why you loved your friend Gandalf so dearly - his inventiveness had saved you a dozen times by now.

You raised your hand and aimed for the nearest wolf-like creature. You hit it square in the head and it let out a loud howl as its fur caught fire. There rest of the company began doing exactly the same, following your example. You managed to lit the dry bushes and trees around you on fire as well, causing the wargs to retreat. You almost respired, but before you could, the tree you were all huddled atop gave in - its roots snapped and the pine hung over the edge of the dizzying drop. Your hands slipped and you nearly let go when four hands grabbed you and lifted you back on. It was Fili and Kili. You were shaking madly and clutched at the two brothers for your dear life.

"(Y/n), it's gonna be alright," Kili whispered in your ear. "I made a promise not to let anyone get hurt as well, if you can recall."

Fili tightened his grip on you in attempt to stop your shaking. "(Y/n)..." he whispered as leaned closer to you. He swallowed hard before continuing. "I know... I know we're all going to die here and it doesn't make me feel any less terrified," he paused to look at you and then Kili. "Just know you're not alone. Neither of you are." You felt Fili and Kili grab hands behind your back and they took ahold of your hands with their free ones. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at the both of them. The three of you rested your foreheads against each other's just like in the cave not long ago and braced yourselves for whatever was about to come. Despite the chill of the night air, the inferno surrounding you heated your face and illuminated the darkness.

Your tears fell freely and you quietly said goodbye to every single person who were dear to you in your life. You opened your tear-rimmed eyes one last time to look at Kili and Fili. That was when you saw Thorin emerge from the tree and with a battle cry attack the pale orc, Azog. You nudged the brothers and let go of their hands. You saw Azog smite down Thorin and heard Dwalin's strangled cry for the company's leader. You weren't quick enough. You failed Thorin. Even though you already started making your way towards your king, you wouldn't get there before it was too late. Another orc had already placed its sword to Thorin's neck, but before he could decapitate him, Bilbo appeared out of nowhere and stabbed the orc numerous times.

That was all you needed. You jumped up on the trunk of the tree and pulled out your sword. You fought for your leader, your friend, who lay unconsciously on the ground. And for his nephews, who were important to you beyond measure. Though you weren't nearly as dangerous with a sword as you were with your bow and arrows, the adrenaline and the heat of the battle made your movements and attacks confident and swift. You leapt on the cliff and threw yourself at the first warg, driving your blade in its skull. You fought with such fierce rage you didn't even know existed beforehand. You did not show mercy, as they had never showed any to you or anyone else that'd attacked.

You were happy to see Dwalin, Fili and Kili joining you in slaying the wargs. You finished off your fourth warg and suddenly heard the screaming of Eagles. (A/n: Some Band of Brothers reference as well - Screaming Eagles!) You were lifted from the ground shortly after and then... you were falling. You screamed at top of your lungs until you landed on the back of another eagle. You looked around and saw the rest of the company being carried away as well. Yes, talking about Gandalf and his inventiveness. You saw Fili and Kili safe and sound, each riding and eagle. You let out a small cry of relief as you saw the brothers being carried away from danger. And then you saw Thorin's limp body.

"Thorin!" you cried. "Thorin!"

But it was no use. He did not open his eyes or moved in any way that he would acknowledge your plea. You started sobbing.

After landibg and slipping off the back of the giant bird, you ran up to the laying form of Thorin and fell on your knees. Your tears fell on his blank face and you desperately tried to help him in any way you could, but your knowledge of healing wasn't sufficient or enough. You buried your face into the crook of his neck. You failed him a second time as well. You thought of your family whom you'd failed as well and your mouth curled downward as you realized that you were about to lose the second father figure you had in your life.

You were dragged away from Thorin by Fili. You hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. Kili placed a soothing hand on your shoulder. Time passed over you as wind would pass over the head of another, your senses and perception blinded by the pain in your chest.

"Where's the halfling?" Thorin grunted.

You tore yourself from Fili and stared at Thorin in awe. You saw Gandalf smile at you then turn to Thorin.

"It's alright. Bilbo is here. He's quite safe," he said merrily.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden, that you would not survive in the wild and that you have no place amongst us?" Thorin snapped, stepping closer to Bilbo, who was obviously scared and confused. "I've never been so wrong in all my life,"  Thorin said and pulled him into a hug.

You cheered with the rest of the company. Fili joined your side and chuckled slightly.

"It was about time these two warmed up to each other," he said.

You smiled at him brightly.

Kili marched up to the pair of you with an utterly serious face.

"(Y/n), Fili! If I were to die, I want you both by my side," he stated.

"Kili, I've already promised you I wouldn't let anything happen to any of us."

You smiled and pulled the two brothers closer to yourself.

"Besides..." you said as you cast Fili a cheeky look. "Just know you're not alone."

"Low blow," he said with the scolding look. "But," he began as his gaze became softer, "utterly true."

~~Author's note~~

Ta-daa! Another chapter!

Holy hell guys, you inspire me so much! I didn't think I'd write another chapter this weekend but here it is!

I'd like you to know that I'm ever so thankful for all of you who've read so far and stuck with me!

If you have any requests/wishes, please let me know!

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Brace yourselves. Monday is coming.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now