Chapter 7: Stay with Me? (Fili)

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You sat on a haystack in Beorn's house and quietly established that being chased by wargs and a giant bear is not fun at all. You were tired of being chased everywhere - though you should have adjusted to it by now - and you wanted and hoped for nothing more than a peaceful journey to the Lonely Mountain. You thought about your earlier self as well, how restless and lost you could be from time to time. But you finally learned to let go of the past and get attached to others again. You closed your eyes from exhaustion and hummed a lullaby to yourself.

"Ehm... Excuse me, Ms (Y/n)..." muttered Bilbo who was clearly bewildered.

"Yes?" you asked him as you slowly opened your shining (e/c) eyes with a smile. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Bilbo just stood there awkwardly, trying to compose his thoughts. You made some space beside you on the haystack and patted the spot next to you. He appreciated your gesture and sat down next to you. You caught Thorin's gaze before he quickly turned around as if he wasn't looking at the two of you. A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you turned to Bilbo.

"Look, Bilbo. You can tell me. And I'm going to listen to whatever you have to say about anything..." you stopped to give him a knowing smirk. "Or anyone."

Bilbo turned beet red at your last remark.

"The truth is that... Erm... I've seen you're close to him. I mean... Yes. And I wanted to know whether... Ugh... Thorin had really accepted me," he muttered and looked into your eyes hopefully. "As one of the company," he hurriedly added.

You giggled to yourself and patted the hobbit on his shoulder. "I'm sure he did. You proved your place amongst us. You saved his life after all..." you trailed off at the painful memory.

"Thank you, (Y/n)," Bilbo smiled gratefully. "Well, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing before I came bothering you."

"You never bother me," you smiled and closed your eyes again.

"I see you've grown fond of the Halfling," Thorin's voice boomed as he sat down next to you. Taking up much more space than the small hobbit did, he nearly pushed you off the edge. He chuckled and pulled your small frame to him.

"Who hasn't?" you asked with a smiled. "After all, Mr Baggins is quite an amusing lad."

"He is indeed," he mumbled and let out a long sigh. "Do you think he will ever forgive me for how badly I've treated him?"

"I do believe he already has," you told Thorin as you gently pushed a stray lock of his hair back.

"I am grateful to have you in my company. You are worthy of us and of my line." His words made your heart swell with pride. He got up and looked at you once more. "Erebor needs you. Who knows? I might be talking to the future queen after I'm gone."

And with that, Thorin left. You slid down and rested your back against the stack, closing your eyes for the third time this night. You wondered who would bother you again when you were scooped up in somebody's arms. You inhaled and breathed in Fili's scent.

"Fili.. Where are you taking me?" you muttered sleepily and held on to him tighter.

"Ooh, the Fox is grumpy," he teased you.

He lay you down on a pile of soft hay and covered you with a blanket. Before he could have gotten up, you grabbed the his hand and pulled him closer.

"Stay with me?" you asked quietly.

Fili nodded and slipped under your blanket. He wrapped his arms around you and you turned to face him in his arms and buried your face into his chest.

He placed a chaste kiss on top of your head.


At dawn you woke up. You snuggled closer the Fili's body which was ever so warm. You tensed when his hand started caressing your back.

"Are you awake?" he asked.


"I know," Fili blurted out. "I know everything. About Kili and you. I know it all."

He looked so hurt. You wanted to comfort him, but he sat up and pulled away from you.

"I wish you'd told me. I would have taken it much better, you know? Maybe it's your (e/c) eyes which give me comfort... But... I don't know," Fili said, sighing lightly and not looking you in the eye.

"The only thing that pains me is that I was too blind to see it. And I hoped. I hoped you would choose me over him. But that's obviously not the case." His voice was trembling.

"Fili..." you whispered, your teeth sinking into your lower lip as you hesitated. "It's not like that..."

"Please don't make it any harder than it has to be," he begged.

"You do not understand," you'd finally managed to say. "We share a bond. All three of us. You're brothers, and we all fight together for a noble cause. We're more than blood, than family. We belong together. Choosing either of you has the potential of ruining that. I know that I will have to, eventually. And I will, I can promise you that. But not yet. Not until we've reclaimed Erebor and not until I see Thorin crowned as King under the Mountain."

"I think it is clearer now," Fili said after a brief pause of thoughtful silence. "I respect you for your devotion to our cause. And I will respect your decision when the time comes. But until it does - will you stay with me?"

A small smile appeared on your face as nodded.

~~Author's note~~

This one goes out for all the Fili lovers. :)

I'd like to state that it's not going to be a Bagginshield fanfiction - even though I know some of you would like that - but I will include some more awkward situations between Thorin and Bilbo if I can.

I hope you liked this chapter. If you did, don't forget to vote and comment. Your votes and comments keep me going - everything I achieve and write here is all thanks to YOU❤, because you give me the inspiration and motivation I need.

I wish you all a nice week!

This chapter had been edited as well to make it more realistic and credible. I've decided to exclude the kiss between the reader and Fili here.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now