Chapter 9: Shaft in my Heart (2/2)

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(A/n: I recommend listening to the soundtrack I've linked while reading for a better experience.)

Laketown erupted with cheers as the people praised Thorin. You stood in the middle of the crowd alone, wondering what the future might bring as you listened to the happy cries and shouts surrounding you. You desperately wanted to make it up with Fili and check on Kili, so you had left the excited and riled up crowd behind to find them. After thoroughly and maybe a little desperately looking around, you were disappointed to conclude that you didn't see them anywhere. You turned around and started walking back to Bard's house where you would spend the night. You were still upset, eyes shining with the remnants of the cascade of tears from earlier. You were pushed around by the shouting people as you made your way through them, trying to bump into as few people as possible. By the time you reached an empty street, you felt like choking. You took big gulps of air as you slowly walked towards your destination.

You quietly opened the door and slipped inside. The house was empty and dark, but somewhere in the distance, you saw a streak of light shining from under a closed door. You knew it had to be the two young Durins, so you made your way to the room and cautiously opened the door. It was them indeed, and they were talking in hushed voices. As soon as they saw you, the two princes stopped talking abruptly. Kili looked relieved to see you, but Fili just got up and tried to leave. You placed your hands on his chest and gently pushed him back. Looking down at your face, Fili must have seen your tear-stained cheeks, because he pulled you in for a tight hug, putting your quarrel aside for that night. Kili looked at the two of you like a lost puppy so you smiled and pulled away from Fili. You sat down on the edge of the bed Kili occupied and held his hand in yours, while Fili took his other.

The three of you talked about the past and all the good and bad things that had happened to you up until that point. Kili's wound had already been tended to, yet his situation did not seem to be getting better. After hours of talking and trying to the young Dwarf's mind off of his wound, Kili's pain seemingly increased. You got up and made him a cup of tea from herbs that you knew would send him into a deep slumber. As you made your way towards Kili with the cup in your hands, you remembered your mother who taught you all of these and your heart clenched.

"What is that?" Kili asked and pointed at the cup. "It's supposed to knock me out, isn't it? I'm not going to drink it."

You sighed and looked at Fili. He knew exactly what was in the cup - one time you told him about your healer mother and the handful of things she had taught you. You showed him how to do this specific tea in case he needed to use it. He unnoticeably shook his head, indicating you to not reveal the true content of the cup.

"No, Kili. It is only tea. I thought you might want some."

He studied your face suspiciously.

"Look," you called for his attention as you took a sip of it. "I've already told you - it's nothing special."

After a few more minutes of convincing from both you and Fili, Kili gave in and reached for the cup, emptying it in less than a few moments. The poor thing must have been parched. After another couple of minutes, Kili passed out on the bed. You gently wiped his burning forehead with a damp cloth as you studied his restlessly sleeping face. A thin layer of sweat clung to his skin, his face becoming paler with every passing second and his breathing turning more and more ragged. You sat there with Fili, leaning over Kili the worry of a mother, clutching his hand in yours. As Fili took in his brother's miserable state, his face twisted with pain. You let go of Kili and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you.

"Fili, you need to rest as well," you whispered as you gave his shoulder a slight squeeze. "I'll stay with him. I will let you know if anything changes."

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now