Chapter 8: Never Imprison a Fox (Kili)

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"Search them!" yelled one of the elves.

Your bow, your quiver full of arrows and your sword were all taken from you, much to your dismay. After fighting the giant spiders, you felt naked without your weapons to defend yourself. The Elf searched for more weapons on you when he saw the divine fox fur sprawled on your shoulders and tore it off you as well, eliciting a gasp of surprise from you. Anger boiled within you as you realized that they had taken your most treasured gift from the nephews of Thorin. Had they forgotten who saved their people at the borders of Mirkwood from the spiders Thranduil's guards had driven off from the center of the forest? You saw them stop before the ambushed village and turn around, leaving their own people in despair. You rushed to their help. But you never forgave and you never forgot.

You were shaking from rage. You recognized the Prince of Mirkwood as the Elf handed him your fur. The Prince eyed it with curiosity. That was it. You quickly freed the dagger from your boot which had been carefully concealed until then with a single fluid movement and threw it at him, pinning the fur to the nearest tree. His head snapped in your direction.

"Don't. Touch. That," you hissed.

Before he could act, a red-headed She-Elf threw herself at you.

"How dare you attack the Prince, dwarf?!"

"Tauriel..." Legolas ordered her back. She looked back at him and saw your white bow in his hands. The Elf called Tauriel looked a mixture of frightened and intrigued for a moment before backing away from you quickly.

"The Swift Fox..." Legolas Thranduilion muttered in Elvish and traced the patterns on your bow with his index finger. (A/n: It would be great if somebody could translate this into Sindarin. I'm afraid to use any dictionaries and I don't want to write down anything stupid.)

You spoke their language and understood what he had said. This language was your mother's only legacy and you felt it violated as he said those words in that sweet melody that you loved so much.

"What are you doing in the company of dwarves?" he asked with disdain.

"I am always helping those in need," you said, staring into his eyes. "Can you say that about yourself as well?"

He broke eye contact with you.

"At least your memory has not faded."

He turned around. "Bind her. And give her the fur."

Two Elves dragged you back to the company and tied your hands behind your back. One of them placed the fox fur back on you.

"My father shall decide of your fate."


You paced in your cell like a caged animal, occasionally flinging yourself at the bars holding you captive. Like you could knock them down with your body weight.

"Stop," came Kili's strained voice across from your cell - his was facing yours. If it hadn't been this way, you probably would have already gone mad.

"Why should I, Kili?" You were very frustrated. You knew it was only a matter of hours before you would be taken to the Elvenking.

"Please. I can't bear it anymore," he pleaded.

You sighed in defeat and sat down in the corner. You rested your chin on the bars and peeked out.

You saw Bofur in another cell - who gave you a small smile when he saw you looking - and Thorin and Fili as well. You closed your eyes and drifted off to a deep slumber.


"Get up!"

You jumped on your feet as a guard unlocked your cell.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now