Chapter 5: The Conflict

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The company had just suffered the stone giants's battling and had been entirely soaked by the downpour when Thorin ordered everyone to take shelter in a nearby cave.

You had never been closer to death. You were almost crashed by the enormous creatures. When the fallen giant's knee was nearing you, you thought you were going to die. You prepared yourself, tried to maintain your calmness and conquer your shaking knees. That was the time to be brave and also the last moment Thorin's company would ever see you. And you were determined to leave a good last impression behind. You heard Fili and Kili desperately shouting your name over and over again. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for what was about to come. That was before your plan had been balked. Thorin saved you, risking his own life. He pulled you into safety and held you in his arms, seeing you were incapable of doing anything on your own.

He dragged you into the cave and sat you down in a quiet corner. Thorin barked out a couple of orders before returning to your side. He sat down next to you and started polishing his sword, glancing at you from time to time. You were thankful for his presence and silence. To be honest, you were a bit disappointed. You thought that either Fili or Kili would always be by your side and would always fight for you as you fought for them, yet they both abandoned you. You took off your wet fur coat and lay it down on a rock to let it dry. A tear slipped down your cheek and before you raised your hand to wipe it away, but Thorin caught your hand in his.

"What's troubling you?" he asked concerned.

"Do you remember the question you asked me at the beginning of our journey?" you sniffed.

His lips curved into a small smile. "I do. Did you find an answer?"

"No. But a prophecy is what concerns me. And it's in connection with your question," you said.

"Tell me, (Y/n)."

"It's Lord Elrond's forecast. He said 'the Fox can only set the Lion or the Wolf free. But not both,'" you muttered, your forehead creasing.

"What is the meaning of this?" Thorin asked.

"The Fox is me. The Lion..." you paused and looked at him. "... is Fili. And the Wolf as you probably know by now is Kili. But I do not understand. How could I set them free? And why would I even need to?"

Thorin looked troubled as he sighed and closed his eyes in attempt to solve this mystery.

"I do not have the answer for your question. Only time will tell," he said.

He opened his arms for you and you gladly accepted the hug he was offering you. He gently hummed into your ears and rocked you to a restless slumber. You couldn't stop thinking about Fili and Kili shouting your name. You fell asleep.


You woke up about fifteen minutes later. You still lay in Thorin's arms until you heard hushed voices arguing. Thorin was sound asleep as you carefully untangled yourself from him. You got up and quietly inched closer to the source of the sounds. There stood Fili and Kili caught up in a rather heated argument. You couldn't hear them clearly so you sneaked a bit closer to them, making sure the rock wall hid you.

"You were even closer to her than Uncle! You could have done something!" Fili said, accusing Kili. "Did you see her face? How frightened she was?"

"There's no need for a guilt trip! You know fully well that I had no chance! It's not like you tried to save her!" Kili said, trying to keep his voice low.

"I couldn't! It was too late when I saw her. Besides, I've already saved her once. I don't remember you doing the same."

"I might not have, but don't even think for a moment, Fili, that I don't love (Y/n) as much as you do!"

"Where's the proof?" Fili said, eyes casting flames.

"I -" Kili suddenly stopped midsentence as he heard you trying to move closer and whirled around. "(Y/n)!" he exclaimed. "How long have you been listening?"

You revealed yourself to the brothers.

"Long enough," you say, looking at them. "Listen... There's really nothing you could do. And you can't change the past, that much I know. So why don't we just leave it all behind?"

They both looked at you. Fili's face was pure admiration and respect, while there was an adorable grin plastered on Kili's face. You opened your arms and looked at them expectantly. Both of the Durins rushed into your embrace and rested their foreheads against yours. The three of you stood there for several minutes, holding on to each other.

You returned to Thorin's side, only to find him awake smiling. You returned the smile and sat down, putting your now dry coat back on. He started chuckling and you playfully punched his shoulder.

You fell asleep and soon after were woken up by the cries of the Dwarves around you and the floor opening under your feet as the empty void underneath you swallowed the company whole.

~~Author's note~~

I had some time so I thought I'd upload this short chapter.

You might have noticed that 'you' and Thorin are quite close together. The reason is incredibly simple. On one hand, Kili and Fili are very close to Thorin and they look up to him. I doubt they would allow themselves to like 'you' if Thorin hated or disliked 'you'. On the other hand, I love Thorin's character so much that I just couldn't leave him out. Tell me if you want Thorin to appear more or not. :)

I want to remind you that if you have any ideas or requests, please let me know in the comments or by leaving a message. :)

I dedicate this chapter to harlieisahobbit and angel-timelord for being ever so supportive. :)

Vote and comment! ❤

Have a nice weekend!

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now