Chapter 3: Your Safety Is All that Matters (Fili)

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You felt as if you had swallowed a handful of glass shards as you gasped for air, and your lungs burned with the lack of oxygen as you ran through the plain field, being chased by vicious wargs. You were hardly any use in close fighting. Only distance could have given you advantage, but you were obviously short on that.

You saw the others running at a slower pace than you so you turned around and fired a couple of arrows at the nearest wargs, killing one which was dangerously close to Fili. You would have smirked, if you could, but the pain your dry throat caused you only made your face scrunch up. He could thank you later. Or at least you desperately hoped so.

You turned back, your (e/c) eyes looking for Gandalf, but there was no sight of him. Raw terror appeared in your heart, alongside with betrayal and hopelessness. You all stood in a defensive circle, protecting Thorin. You prepared yourself for battle. If you had to die there, you wouldn't give up without a fight. Suddenly Gandalf appeared out of nowhere.

"This way, you fools!" he yelled. He stood at the entrance of some sort of cave.

A small smile managed to grace your features as you sprinted towards your saviour. You ushered the others first in to the tunnel, who were clearly more exhausted by the long distance than you. You had just pushed Ori down when a warg attacked you. It caught you off-guard knocking you down on your back, but you managed to dodge it's sharp, razor-like teeth. As it drew back to attack you again, you tried to pull your small sword of its sheat, only to find it stuck under yourself. You tried to yank it free as the foul animal charged again. When you finally managed to do so the warg fell. Fili pulled out his sword from the head of the creature.

"Go!" he shouted. "I've got your back!"

You needed no further encouragement as you quickly slid down the tunnel, shortly followed by the rest of the company.

You sat there helplessly, still under shock when two strong hands gripped the collars of your coat and gently pulled you on your feet. Fili moved his hands to your shoulders.

"Are you alright?" he asked, worry lacing his every word.

"I am," you paused. "Don't you ever do that again. Please. I didn't save your life back there for you to throw it away again so heedlessly," you said, feeling a lump form in your throat.

"(Y/n). Your safety is all that matters to me," Fili stated plainly as he looked into your eyes. He said that sentence as if it were the most natural thing in the world. However, his words had surprised you. Nobody had ever told you anything relatively close to that before. He broke into one of his caring, small smiles that you loved so much and pulled you closer to himself. He wrapped one of his arms around you.

"Come on. Let's catch up with the rest of the company," he said and gently pushed you forward.

You looked at him in awe, admiring every graceful feature of his face. He raised his eyebrows questioningly and you averted your gaze and started to move on. Only you clasped his hand in yours and pulled him after you.

"(Y/n). Your safety is all that matters to me."

His words continued to ring in your ears, even after hours he uttered them.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now