4th Ending: Sacrificed (Fili)

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"Fili, Kili, (Y/n)! Search the towers!"  Thorin ordered you. "Do not engage in fight. Report back to us if you find anything."

Kili went ahead of you and pointed at a small cave.

"I'll check it out."

You both nodded and Fili grabbed his little brother's arm before he entered.

"Remember, Kili. If you find anything or anyone, you come back. Understood?"

Kili just shook his head, indicating he did before disappearing. You looked around carefully and observed the place. You had an idea.

"I think we should go up these steps. They're probably up hiding there in one of the -"

Fili suddenly silenced you by kissing you on the lips. He grabbed your shoulders when he pulled away and stared into your eyes.

"(Y/n), I beg you, please don't do anything stupid. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't lose you. I would never forgive myself. Even though  you had never made it clear to me whether you had chosen me or someone else, you will always be my choice."

"I thought I had been obvious," you as you leaned in to kiss him shortly. "I will try not to do anything stupid, but only if you promise me as well.

"It's clear, nothing's in there. Let's move on," Kili said as he jogged back to the pair of you.

"We're going up here," Fili told him.

"I'll take the lead," you declared and climbed up the stairs quietly. The brothers followed you closely. As you reached a narrow corridor, you slowed down and quietly sneaked, trying not to make any sound. And then you heard it. A noise in the distance. Your heartbeat quickened as you tried to figure out your next move. You knew that Fili and Kili hadn't heard anything yet. Following the noise could only result in one thing - a gruesome, cruel death. You knew it fully well. And you were incredibly afraid. But you had already made up your mind.

"Fili! Take Kili and go back down, scout the areas there. I feel like we're being distracted."

Fili didn't look convinced at all. So you took a deep breath... and lied.

"We will be ambushed from behind if you don't secure that area. Both of you need to go back right now - who knows how many Orcs are already there, waiting for us to venture further in. We can't afford that to happen. I will be fine, there's most likely nothing in here. The real danger is outside," you said and gave the brothers a soft nudge. "Go on. I'll meet you down there in a couple of minutes."

"I think she's right. Come on, brother," Kili nodded and turned to Fili. "We need to make sure we won't be trapped here. Let's go!"

Fili cast you a worried glance before reluctantly turning around and exiting the eerie building behind his brother.

You had to lie. There was no other way. He would always believe you no matter what and he would never question your words. And you needed to convince him so that he would leave and possibly get a chance to survive. Now that Fili was out of danger, you should have felt relieved. You did, partially, but pure terror filled your heart as you inched closer to the source of the noises. You had to be strong for them. For Fili. You told that yourself as you voluntarily moved forward to meet your fate. To be sacrificed just to give your love a fighting chance.

An Orc leaped from the shadows and attacked you. You killed it, but more Orcs kept coming until you were no longer able to block all the weapons. Just before a giant Orc's blow fell on you, it was stopped by Azog. Two foul creatures grabbed you and dragged you to an opening in the building, several floors above the icy ground. Everything ceased for a moment as you took in your surroundings. How beautiful that mountain you had fought for was!

Then you saw Thorin and Dwalin and Bilbo. And Kili and Fili at the bottom of the stairs.

That moment of numbness passed and your fear returned immediately. As well as the feeling of satisfaction. You learned the true meaning of love. You were dying for Fili and you didn't mind it as long as it kept him safe. Despite all the tears and the miserable feelings you had been experiencing so far, you smiled. You smiled brightly at Fili. It didn't last longer than a mere second, but it said more than a thousand words. You shook and closed your eyes. You wouldn't let the Orcs see you weak and vulnerable. You would die with honor. Azog lifted you up and thrust his blade through your chest. You were dead before you hit the icy ground below.

You fulfilled your task. You saved your Lion.

Before that night had fallen, Fili joined you anyways.

~Author's note~

It's been too long since my last update... So here you go. Finally, we reached the Fili endings as well (I know a lot of you adore him)!

I hope you liked it.

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THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now