3rd Ending: All That Matters (Kili)

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"No, honestly, I have no idea," you repeated for the third time since you were there and your patience had grown thin.

Thranduil rolled his eyes in annoyance and poured himself more wine while Bard only gave you a worried look.

"I wish I knew what Thorin intends to do. Unfortunately, I do not, and I haven't the slightest idea. Do you think he told me what he wanted to do before banishing me?" you asked and smiled sarcastically.

Bard put a reassuring hand on your shoulder and cautiously squeezed it. You knew well it meant something like 'don't anger him any further' but to be honest, you had a very hard time restraining yourself in front of the Elvenking when all you wanted to do was throw your untouched glass of wine at him. Because he deserved that for his ignorance. Or at least that was what you thought. You remembered the dungeons where you were locked up on his orders and your hand started itching. You stared at the rich red wine. You imagined the crimson liquid dripping down his silver robes in small rivers. For now, your fantasy had to suffice if you wished to make any progress with the Elf at all.

You sat on a chair in Thranduil's tent. Bard, Gandalf and surprisingly you as well were invited to a council meeting concerning the Dwarves of Erebor.

"I know you are covering for your hideous Dwarf friends, (Y/n). Don't even try to -"

You pushed your chair back and let it fall behind you. His guards appeared and peeked at Thranduil. He just waved them off with a nervous flick of his hand.

"Thranduil, this is madness! Stop torturing (Y/n), she's told you everything she knows," Gandalf pleaded.

Thranduil's lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at you coolly. You returned his gaze with just as much warmness. That was the scene Bilbo saw when he entered the tent with fear in his heart and the Arkenstone in his pocket.


The fighting was over. You watched the Eagles destroy the remnants of the Orc armies. The few small bruises and cuts you received were nothing you wouldn't survive. Men, Elves, and Dwarves were slowly gathering together, small packs of each race looking for survivors. You ran out of Dale and towards Erebor.

You saw the company on the open fields and sprinted towards them.

"Bofur! Ori! Where are the others?" you asked. They just looked at you with numb expressions.

You moved away from them. "Balin!"

You grabbed the old dwarf by the shoulders and stared at him. "Where are they? Where's Thorin and Fili and Kili? Where's Dwalin?"

He gave you a pained look. "Ravenhill," he muttered. "They've been to Ravenhill to strike on Azog. Thorin thought a leaderless army would fall."

"Have they not returned yet?" you whispered.

Tears spilled from the old dwarf's eyes as he patted your arm. "Some of them never will..."

"Who? Tell me... I deserve to know," you said, demanding an answer desperately. You couldn't stop thinking about Kili ever since you had been banished, and it became painfully obvious to you that he had been your one.

"Thorin and Fili are gone."

His words pained you. Losing two friends who were more like your family was not something you were ready for. But love is a selfish thing and you knew it too well.

"Kili... Is he alright?"

"He's not wounded... on the outside," Balin pointed at the entrance of the mountain. "He's there sitting on his own. Please... Talk to him."

You walked up to a sitting form hunched and shaking with sobs. Your once proud and cheerful lover, a true and young warrior, was broken and scarred. You watched him for a long minute, letting relief wash over you. He didn't seem to notice you until you had decided to sit down next to him and cradle him in your arms like a mother would hug her child. You didn't think he knew it was you. He clung to you for his dear life as he sobbed endlessly. It was most likely the shock. And you, like a good, caring mother, rubbed his back and rocked him back and forth. It had taken you hours to calm him down. For the last five minutes, only his gasps for air could be heard. He raised his head and pulled back a little to see your face. His eyes were swollen and red and his face - which in your opinion was made for smiling - was etched with a pained expression.

"(Y/n)?" his voice came out hoarsely from the hours of crying. "(Y/n)? Are you alive? Or am I dreaming?"

"Kili!" you sighed with relief and pulled his face closer to yours. "It is really me."

He stared at you in disbelief and raised his hand to touch your cheek. He choked out a sob of relief as he realized you really were alive and there.

"(Y/n)! I thought I had lost you too!" he cried and hugged you tightly.


Kili, being the only Durin alive, became king of Erebor. It took him a lot of time, practice and learning, but he turned into a marvelous and generous king. You were proud of him beyond measure. Kili rebuilt Dale with the help of Bard. Dale turned into the rich city it once was. Its markets and streets and alehouses were filled with life and cheer again.

He even made peace with the Elves. Thranduil received the gems he desired. The two kings were still far from friends. However, they defended each other in times of need.

He was more to you than a mere companion, an old friend. Your love blossomed and bloomed even fiercer after the battle. So he married you and made you his queen. The two of you had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son was named Fili. You watched Kili turn mature and wise, you watched him grow a beard and his children grow tall. You had spent the rest of your lives together.

You still remembered the night after the battle. When Kili lay shaking in your arms. You were the only person who made the real Kili return. Balin told you later that before you approached the prince, all of them had tried and failed. It seemed like you were meant to be the one freeing him from his mind's prison. The one setting him free.

~~Author's note~~

Hello everyone,

Finally, a happy ending, as I've promised. Well, slightly.
There will be more endings soon!

Guys, you are amazing. This afternoon The Swift Fox reached 3K reads and I'm so happy! ❤

Vote and comment! ❤

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now