Chapter 4: Imladris and Wonders (Kili)

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It had been the first day you spent in Imladris and you couldn't help but stare at everything and everyone. You liked the place very much and you couldn't conceal your admiration, which slightly annoyed Thorin. Many times you had been there before, but you could never stop loving that place with every fiber of your heart. You felt Lord Elrond's eyes on you a couple of times. The others seemed to notice it as well and Kili became incredibly protective, trying to shield you from Elrond's wandering gaze.


You sat by the fire after the wonderful meal the elves had given you, enjoying the warmth of the small makeshift fire seeping into your skin. You liked 'green food' - another elvish trait you possessed that had been looked down upon by many of your new companions. Bofur was roasting sausages in protest of the horrific things the Elves tried to give them under the name of sustenance and the others were chatting merrily, occasionally roaring with laughter. You quietly excused yourself and wondered around in the halls of Imladris. You ventured into a smaller pavilion and watched the sunset. You felt at peace there; to you it was almost like home.

"(Y/n), daughter of Bgrim, the last of the line of Nîma. I've been waiting for this moment."

You turned around, only to see the Lord of Imladris himself.

"Lord Elrond," you said and bowed your head slightly in respect.

He smiled at you.

"I see the way you look at us, child. I know you seek answers," Elrond said as he walked up to you, his gaze lingering on the setting sun. You were the last of your line; only their stories and the sweet childhood memories stayed with you. The loss of your beloved ones clawed at your heart after all those years. You knew that dwelling on the past would bring you no relief. Yet you still longed for a place deep in your heart where you could belong.

"The line of Nîma has always been one of the most important one in Middle Earth. Never has any other line unite the race of Men, Elves and Dwarves in one. You will never find home and destined to wander," he paused here before he continued, his tone turning utterly serious. "What you do has an effect on the course of the future. And you have a choice to make, child," he continued as he looked at you. "The Fox can only set the Lion or the Wolf free. But not both."

He left you dumbfounded.

You stood there, eyes wide and trying to catch your breath. Unite all races? So that was why you were so different from the other dwarves. You had always knew that much, but it hadn't been clear until that moment. And what about the prophecy? You knew Elrond had the gift of foresight, but you understood none of what he had said. Fox, Lion, Wolf... You were trying to figure it out and put the pieces together when it suddenly hit you. The Fox is you, it's obvious. The Swift Fox, as you were called. Then you remembered Thorin's question which you avoided answering. 'Which one of my nephews do you like?'  The Lion is Fili. And the Wolf is Kili.

Set them free?

You turned around and bumped right into Kili. But before you would have fallen he caught you. He steadied you. Normally, he would have laughed at your clumsiness but he was scowling.

"Not many people can sneak up on me," you said cautiously, afraid to upset him any further. (A/n: Can anyone guess where that line comes from?)

"What did he want?" he growled and curled a protective arm around you.

"Nothing," you said. But you had to smile at your stubbornness. You were part dwarf as well.

"Do you like him?" Kili blurted out. He blushed madly after he did but still held your gaze. And you thought this was the absolute best moment to trick him.

"So what if I did?" you asked innocently, twirled a lock of hair around your fingers, playing along with Kili's notion.

"What?!" His face turned utterly desperate, much to your delight. "You can't be serious! He's an elf! Did you loose your mind, (Y/n)?! He's-"

That was the moment you couldn't hold back your laughter any longer. You were laughing so hard you couldn't breathe properly and your belly started hurting. Kili's face slowly turned from desperate to confused and then slightly angry and annoyed. As your laugh subsided, a huge grin stayed on your lips as the residue of your long laughing fit. "Couldn't resist, Kee. I'm so sorry."

"Yes, well, this wasn't too nice now, was it?"

"Maybe not. But I've never expected this little joke to have such an impact on you."

"Well, it did."

You looked at Kili with questioning look, your interest definitely piqued by the words of the youngest Durin.

"You deserve someone a lot better than some Elf," Kili muttered under his breath.

"Like whom?"

"Like Dwarven royalty, maybe," he said confidently before striding off, leaving you wonder whether he truly meant his words or whether this was his idea of a prank.

~~Author's note~~
I thank you dearly for reading so far. I'm really keen on this one and I really don't want to abandon this work. If you have any ideas or requests, feel free to share them with me! I'm planning on writing a couple of more chapters and finishing it off with multiple endings.
As you might have noticed, my mother tongue is not English, but I'm trying, I really am. If there are any mistakes in any of the chapters, feel free to point them out. :)
I know 'your' parentage was an unnecessary twist but this has always been on my mind and I thought 'why shouldn't I embed this in this story?' so it's here. Feel free to ignore it if you like.
Vote and comment because it makes me happy! ❤
Special thanks to harlieisahobbit because she's awesome and inspired some of this chapter. :)

This chapter has been re-written after a long consideration and I've modified the ending. In the original version, Kili ended up kissing the reader, but I thought it unfit - it would have been too soon and too unfounded.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now