2nd Ending: I Will Set You Free (Kili)

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You had met Bard and the Elvenking a few days after you had left Erebor. You were reluctant to leave and hoped that Thorin would come to his senses and change his mind, but he didn't. In fact, the 'I will have war' declaration didn't help either. You couldn't stop thinking about Kili all this time. What is he doing at the moment? What is he thinking about? Does he miss me? Questions you had asked yourself a million times and yet found no answer. You missed him greatly - sometimes you felt so giddy and dizzy when you thought about his intoxicating presence that you lacked so gravely that you had to sit down. Bard thought you were ill and kept close watch on you. Yes, you yourself were pretty sure this was an illness - this was no ordinary love. Nobody should ever experience such a heated and flaming emotion,  because it burns the vessel of the feeling. It became clear to you during this period of separation that Kili was the one you had loved all this time.

You and Bard had grown close to each other in the days of your exile. You considered him as a friend and vice versa. You were the only person from Thorin's company who seemed to still remember the bargain struck with the people of Laketown.

You were helping the people out on the main square of Dale. That was where the orphans of the late Laketown took refuge after the King Under the Mountain had sent them away, refusing to help. You had been dangerously low on food before the Elves arrived and brought you supplies - vegetables, oil, grain, cloth. Things you needed badly.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Bard shouted as he ran past people standing or chatting in small groups.

"What is it, Bard?" you asked as you put the heavy sack you had been carrying down and wiped your hands on the front of your leggings.

"Dain Ironfoot, the cousin of Thorin is marching against the Elvish army!" Bard told you, concern thick in his voice.

You quickly started saddling your horse and putting on your armor.

"What are you doing?" Bard shouted and grabbed your arm. "Listen to me. You cannot go there. Thorin has still succumbed to the dragon sickness. If you think Dain will welcome you with open arms then you're greatly mistaken."

You yanked your arm free gently. "I'm no fool, Bard. And I'm doing this for neither Thorin nor Dain. I thought you'd know by now."

You strapped your bow and quiver to your back and two short swords on either of your hips. You climbed atop your horse.

"Which one of his nephews?" Bard asked quietly as he held the reins of your horse.

"Kili," you replied curtly as you avoided his gaze full of pity.

"Good luck, (Y/n)! I'll follow you shortly," he said and stepped back.

You smiled at him before nudging your stallion to a gallop. You didn't know you had ridden off to battle.


You were protecting the city of Dale, fighting off the orcs, when you had heard Gandalf.

"The Dwarves are about be overrun. Thorin must be warned," Gandalf said to Thranduil.

"By all means, warn him," the Elvenking replied. "I've spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land. No more."


Thranduil left. Pure terror clawed at your heart. They cannot be overrun. That would mean the death of them. You needed to do something. Then your eyes met Bilbo's determined ones.


Bilbo arrived at Ravenhill before you did. The icy place and the unfriendly, thick stone walls sent chills down your spine. You hiked and hiked and when you finally arrived, you saw Thorin and Dwalin fighting off some orcs. Thorin battled a giant one, and was too occupied to see another orc sneaking up on him. He had just finished off the first and turned to parry the other orc's blow when your arrow pierced the creature's neck. It fell to its knees and died shortly.

THE SWIFT FOX (Kili X Reader X Fili) (RE-WRITTEN & UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now