Chapter 56

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I woke up the next day feeling so much better. There was light outside, something I wasn't really used to anymore, and it illuminated the room from the window.

I realized Jim was at the foot of my bed sleeping. I tried leaning up, suddenly feeling a tug on my cheeks. I felt around with my fingers, remembering the oxygen mask. It felt funny this time though.

Jim must have heard me, because he woke up in a start. He seemed shocked to see me. Well, shocked to see me looking well, I suppose.

I asked what happened as I slid back to situate myself and took the oxygen nubbins out of my nose. He explained how sick I was, and that some friends of his came to help me.

But wasn't he leaving something out? I could have sworn there was another scene between him and...

My owners. Did I dream that up? I didn't ask any further on it, but I did ask to see his so-called friends.

When he introduced me, I put together that they were more like family. I'd heard the stories about these two; Delbert and Amelia.

I wonder if Jim has told them about us yet.


"Ready to go home?" He asked later that day, but it was hardly a question. I was, without a doubt, indeed ready.

It was as if I wasn't sick at all. I was my normal self. Amelia started to buddy up to me as we made our trip arrangements back to Montressor. She asked me about the wedding, how romantic Jim was, and even if I wanted children.

It was a little strange. We were almost perfect strangers, and she acted like my best friend. I suppose she has a right. Jim's family is my family.

But what I also don't understand is how Jim described her when he told me stories. He said she was witty and cruel and mean. I could never imagine her being so shrewd, like he'd defined her.

I even told him that. He said I just had to get im used to being in the family, and everybody had to get used to me. Their true colors would show soon...

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