Chapter 3

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Well today was a disaster. I had no idea what I was doing during the launch, none of the crew would give me a job or anything. Not that I'd really know how to do it. This is technically my first voyage. Maybe it's best if I just keep my head down.

It's so beautiful in space. I'd never been above deck while we were in the midst of space before. I've never seen so many stars, not even at night when the sky is so clear on Montressor.

Since the launch, things have been quiet. So none of the crew was rushing around deck to do anything. They were all probably below sleeping.

I climbed the mast and sat on the edge of the crows nest, letting my feet dangle down. I looked around to see if anybody was watching, because I really wanted to take this stupid hat off and let my hair down. But Mr.Hawkins was up here. He leaned over the rail of the ship, watching the stars like I was.

I sighed. He was so handsome. I decided to do something crazy.

Let him figure out who I was.

I nervously took the hat off, my shoulder length hair instantly falling down. I brushed my fingers through it as best I could, but it stayed ratty for the most part.

It's not like I called his name to make him look at me. I just waited for him to turn around, and he did eventually. It's like he knew I was there the whole time.

We made eye contact quickly. I could feel his gray eyes on me even from how far away I was. And it made me weak.

He studied me, obviously pondering over if what he saw was real or not. I held my breath, suddenly wondering if this was a bad thing to do.

Jim didn't seen like the rest of the men, the ones who would take advantage of women. But as far as I was concerned, all men were like that. My previous owners, these men on the crew, but I prayed he wasn't.

My hope began to die as Jim came to the mast and climbed up with me. I watched him carefully, ready to start hitting him if he were to do anything crazy. He leaned on the rails, his arms folded, still watching me.

"I knew something wasn't right about you." he suddenly said. I looked ahead sharply and said nothing, it seemed like I was in trouble. I could still feel his icy eyes.

"What's your real name?" He asked.

"Saytee." I murmured.

"Why were you pretending?"

I looked at him again, my eyes showing the fear I was forgetting to explain.

"Please don't report me, please! Don't send me back!" I begged. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears.

He put his hands up, motioning for me to calm down. "Whoa, whoa. Send you back where?" He demanded. Now he was getting frustrated, probably thinking I was some criminal.

"Montressor, I-I'm a slave. I pretended to be a boy so I could join a crew and get away from there. Please, please, don't send me back." I pleaded once more.

He narrowed his eyes at me, his lips pressed. He was torn, I could tell. He's deciding right now weather he should support my case or just throw me off the ship. I held my breath.

"I won't send you back," He finally decided. I sighed in relief, an uneasy breath. "Under one condition."

I was afraid of that. I kept my pleading look, thinking he had some horrible terms. I waited for him to finish, tensing, uncomfortable with the way he looked at me.

"You have to let the crew know. Don't tell them who you are, just let them know you were disguised. I don't want to get in trouble for hiding some stow away." He concluded.

I let out one more relieved sigh, suddenly realizing how tense I must have looked. I relaxed and nodded and Jim returned the gesture.

He thinks that would be an easy thing to do. He's a boy, and a good boy at that. But he doesn't know what horrible things these guys could do to me. On the other hand I suppose I'm prepared. Defending myself this way is better than going back...

Jim looked over the rails again for a moment, then nodded once more and started climbing back down the mast without another word.

"Thank you, Mr.Hawkins." I spoke up. He looked up at me. "Jim." He corrected, giving me a half smile. I felt my face grow warm as I smiled back, and looked away in a hurry.

Jim and Saytee (Treasure Planet fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now