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"Just love me, that's all I ask in return" Hoseok said.

"You're joking?" you asked him, tears rolling down your cheeks.

His brown eyes met yours. He smiled.

"Never, princess. I love you more than anything in this disgusting world. All I need is your love.

Hoseok sat in front of you, smile never leaving his face.

"So, do you love me?" he asked.

"Fuck you" you spit on him.

"Is that what you want?"

He got up. He slowly made his way next to you. He gently touched your cheek but when you turned your face.

"Don't touch me" you hissed.

"But this is what you asked for, princess" he smiled.

"You lost your mind!"

"I lost my mind because of you."

He grabbed you by your chin and made you face him.

"I love you and one day you'll realize that you love me too."

Hoseok harshly pressed his lips to yours. He bit your lower lip for enterence. You struggled on the chair.

"Don't fight, baby. I know you want this."

He rested one of his hand on your waist while another one grabbed onto your neck to deepen the kiss. Your hot tears were rolling down your cheeks. You wanted this to end.

"You taste so good, princess. Is that strawberries?" he smiled when he broke away from the kiss.

You even couldn't look at him anymore. You looked down at the ground, wanting to disappear.

"Kill me" you whispered.


"Just kill me" you repeated this time you looked into his eyes. "I'll never love you. Never. So just kill me and end all of this."

Hoseok looked at you for a second and started laughing. His laugh was histerical. He was laughing if you just said the funniest joke ever.

"Princess, I'll never kill you. I'll torture you for being such a bad girl, make you feel the worst pain in the entire universe but never kill you. You know why? Because I love you and I want you to spend your entire life with me. You're mine now, princess. You will live with me for the rest of your life. You will be my wife, you will have my children."

He leaned closer to your ear.

"You're mine till death tear us apart."

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