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He looks like an angel. Maybe he is an angel just he doesn't realize that. He said that he's dead and he's more like a devil spirit but maybe he's wrong. His features look like someone who belongs to angel. His brown puppy eyes are one of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. His tall figure and broad shoulders make him look a little intimidating but then you look back in to his eyes and you can't stop staring. Am I in love with him? Am I felt in love with a spirit?

"What are you thinking about?" Jin asked, taking me back to reality.

"N-nothing" I stuttered.

I felt how my cheeks started burning. Talking to him was still hard for me. A lot of the times I couldn't keep eye contact with him. He just was too beautiful. My heart starts skip the beats when he looks at me.

"Are you sure?" Jin teased me even more. "You definitely were thinking about something."

As a spirit he was very playful and he loved making me shy and embarrassed. It was like a game to him.

"I-I'm not" I replied simply.

My cheeks were coloured in red.

"If you say so, princess."

A little smile appeared on his face. When he smiles he looks even more angelic.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered quietly.

"Anything you want, princess."

"Just don't get mad..."

"I'd never get mad at you. I'd hate myself if I say something bad to you or hurt you" he whispered really quietly.

Soon I felt one of his hands on mine. I shivered by his touch. Does he even real? Maybe he's not a spirit who somehow ended up with me. Maybe he's just part of my imagination. He said that no one except me could see him.

"How you died?" I whispered really quietly that at first I thought he didn't even hear me.

"How I died?" he repeated the question. "I don't think you need to know this."

I finally looked up from my lap and met his eyes. His eyes were different this time. I could see sadness in his eyes.

"W-why?" I asked.

A little smile appeared on his face. He gently touched my cheek.

"Did someone tell you how beautiful you are?"

My cheeks were burning. Jin chuckled when he felt heat on his hand.

"You're so beautiful. The way you blush. The way you blush for me. It's my favourite thing. I never knew I could feel alive again. You make me feel alive. You make me feel like a human again. This is one of the reasons I don't want to talk how I died, princess. You make me feel alive again."

I couldn't stop staring in his eyes. His every word made my heart skip a beat. It was too good to be real.

"I killed myself, princess. This is how I died. I thought that no one will ever love me. I was lonely. I hate everything about myself. I didn't have a reason to live on. If only back then I'd have met you. Maybe you would have saved me."

You started to tearing up. He was like you right now.

"Please, don't hurt yourself anymore" he whispered really quietly. "You have more reasons to live on than me. I want to protect you."

Soon I felt his lips on mine. His kiss was full of passion and... Love? Can a spirit feel something? Can a spirit feel something to a living human being?

"I love you" I whispered after the kiss.

A little smile appeared on his face.

"I love you too but don't do this to yourself. You have someone who waits for you. I'm not the one for you, princess."

I looked deeply in his eyes.

"There's someone you're meant to be with. You didn't meet him yet but you will. You'll fall in love with him, princess."

"I-I don't want anyone else" I stuttered, some tears running down my face.

"Princess, don't cry. He will make you happy. He will make you completed. He's the one for you."

He pressed his lips on mine again. His kiss was so gentle.

"I'll watch over you. I'll protect you till the day you and him meet, princess."

"But what if I not meet him?" I asked quietly.

"You will meet him, princess. It's your fate."

"How do you know? Maybe I meant to be with you even if you're dead."

"I may or may not looked in your future" he chuckled.

A little smiled appeared on my face.

"Don't worry, princess, Kim Taehyung will make you the most happiest girl in the world."

"Kim Taehyung?"

"Oh, I think I shouldn't had said that."

I brightly smiled at him.

"I don't think I need someone else when I have you, Kim Seokjin" I said and gently pressed my lips to his again.

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