
978 14 1

requested by @cottontailsweetheart !! I tried my best, hope you like it :)

The music was so loud. You moved with it. The lights were making you even more dizzy but you don't really care till you almost felt on the ground.

"I think, it's time for us to go home" Jimin said into your ear.

"No, let's stay a little bit longer."

You tried to get out off his grip but he was stronger. He walked out of the club with you, arm around your waist supporting you.

"I was having so much fun" you pouted.

"I saw that" Jimin chuckled.

You made your way to his car. He opened pasenger's seat door but you didn't get in.

"I want to drive" you said.

You turned to face him. He shooked his head.

"Get in."

"Give me the keys, Jimin."

He gave you a smile and put his keys back into his pocket. You smiled thinking about the plan how to get the them.

You cupped his face with one hand and kiss him. Jimin put one of his hand around your neck and deepened the kiss. You gently ran your another hand down his body till you reached his jeans pocket. You slid your hand into his pocket and tried grab the keys but there wasn't any.

"Wrong pocket, baby girl" Jimin smiled.

He gently pushed you against the car.

"You need to behave, baby girl. You don't want me to punish you."

Jimin looked into your eyes then into your lips. He licked his lips and leaned closer to your face. You were about to kiss him when he suddenly moved away.

"Get in the car, baby. Let's go home."

"Tease" you said and got into the car.

The way to home wasn't too long. You got there pretty quickly. Jimin unlocked the door and let you in. Without wasting any second  you grabbed Jimin by his shirt and pulled him into the kiss.

"I want you" you whispered.

Jimin gently pushed you away. You were confused.

"You're drunk. You need to take some rest."

He took your hand and lead you into your and his bedroom.

Even if he said that you need to take some rest you tried your best to seduct him. You sat on him, pressed some kisses on his neck and he let you. He even moved his head a little to give you more access.

You were about to take off his shirt but he stopped you.

"Baby, let's go to sleep."

"But I told you" you leaned closer to his ear "I want you."

Jimin just chuckled and turn you around so now he was on top of you.

"You can have me tomorrow, baby girl."

He pecked your lips and laid next you with his arms around you.

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