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"The best view, with respect to the identity of demons, is that they are "fallen angels." Some of the angels who fell were bound while others became demons. These angels are doing the bidding of Satan by causing evil and possessing human beings. Satan, the ruler of the angels, is also called the ruler of the demons."

"And? What do you want to say by this?"

"You're one of the fallen angels?"

"A lot of people believe in this but there's more ways how you could end up like me" Hoseok smiled.

You never in your entire life would believe that someone like Jung Hoseok could be a demon. Yes, he said that he looks way different than his earth form but you couldn't understand how someone like him is a real demon.

"Do you remember how you became one?" you asked.

Everything was so new for you. You never believed that something like this exists, or you just didn't want to believe. Who would? Who would believe that demons are part of your world. They walk along with humans. They work, eat, sleep, date like everyone else. But they just have a secret. A secret that they're demons and they trick you to give your soul to them.

"Am I remember how I became a demon?" Hoseok looked up at your ceiling. "I think so. I do remember something but it's really blurry. It happened more than 200 years ago so it's hard to remember everything..."

"2-200 years ago?" you stuttered.

"Yeah. It's a long time" he chuckled. "I just wanted to help my family. We were starving back then. It was a hard time for me and my family. One night I just whispered to myself that I'll do anything to help my family. I even would sell my soul and I guess Lucifer himself heard my prayers" a little smiled appeared on his face. "I guess he liked me. A young teenager who is ready to sell his soul for some food. Such an easy prey."

Hoseok went quiet for a moment. Your eyes never leaving his face. He didn't show any emotions. Does he not feel anything? Does he not miss his family? He finally looked away from the ceiling and met your eyes. You immediately looked down. You still couldn't keep eyes contact with him without blushing.

"I probably would miss my family" he smiled at you. "But there's this thing when you're a demon, you don't feel anything. I mean, you have to learn to be emotionless. It's our job, you know. We kill people often so you have to learn this to be able to do it."

You nodded your head. You didn't know what to say. Everything sounds so surreal.

"H-how it goes?" you whispered really quietly but he heard it.

"Goes what?"

"How he takes souls?"

"You mean Lucifer? He doesn't do it anymore. I was his last one. But it was very painful. You feel the biggest pain you could imagine and you can't do anything about it. You just lay and scream. Soon you start feeling numb. You don't feel anything at all. Your eyes full open and all you see is the ceiling. You try to get up but you can't. It feels like you lay there for days. All your life goes through your eyes and then he comes back. He leans over you and gently pressed his lips on yours. The last thing I remember is the heat. It felt like my lips were burning. I wanted to scream again but it was too late. I finally was his. I became a demon."

His eyes didn't leave you. He was waiting for your reaction. You still were looking down at your lap. You tried to think about everything he just said.

"So kiss is the only way to take your soul?" you finally asked.

"No" he chuckled. "There's more ways."

You sat there in silence. You wanted to ask the question which was running through your minds but you didn't know how.

"We can kiss people without taking their souls" Hoseok chuckled. "Did you forget that we can read your minds?"

You felt how your cheeks start burning.

"Y-you promised that you're not going to do that..." you stuttered.

"I'm sorry" a big smile appeared on his face again. "You just were too quiet. I won't do it ever again, I promise."

You two sat there in silence for few minutes.

"You don't want to ask me anything else? You said that you're curious about everything and you want to know as much as possible."

"I-I know. I'm just thinking..." you whispered.

"Thinking about what?"

"Is it would hurt a lot if you take my soul?"

"We're doing it differently than Lucifer. It won't hurt a lot. Demons who were humans at first know how painful it was so we decided to do it less painful" Hoseok chuckled.


"A lot of people choose sex."

Your cheeks turned bright red again. Hoseok smiled. He was enjoying this moment a lot.

"It's funny, right? It's funny how people always think about sex. Even before dying they want to have sex."

"What's the other option?" you tried to changed the subject.

"Why you don't want to talk about it?" Hoseok teased you. "Are you shy?"

Your cheeks were burning. You didn't want to look up and see his face. You wanted to disappear. Soon you felt warm hand on your cheek. You didn't even noticed how he got so close to you.

"You're so different from everyone I met before" he placed his finger underneath your chin and made you look at him.

He locked his eyes with yours. You wanted to looked away at first but first time being so close to him and looking deeply in his eyes felt like heaven. It's funny to say it when the creature next to you is someone from hell.

"The other option in my opinion is a little more painful."

"What is it?" you asked, not taking your eyes away from his.

"Make human to fall in love with a demon. When human does that, their soul automatically becomes demon's property."

After his words he gently pressed his lips to yours. It took you some seconds to kiss him back. Hoseok was trying to not bite your lip. He tried to be gentle with you. The lust the only thing he could felt back then. The lust for you.

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