jungkook, jimin, yoongi (part 1)

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"I love you so much" Jungkook whispered and pressed his soft lips against yours.

You soon melted in his hands and the kiss. He always was so passionate with his kisses. His kiss sent shivers down your spine. You forgot everything in the world. You felt that his your whole word.

Suddenly you heard your phone ringing.

"Ugh. Who is trying to ruin this perfect moment?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

You giggled and reached for your phone. You looked at the caller. Unknown.

"Uh, it's unknown."

"Then don't answer."

Jungkook took your phone away from you and pressed his lips against yours once more. You kept kissing but your phone didn't stop ringing.

"It's annoying me. Let me answer" you said and took your phone back. "Hello?"

"Finally" a male's voice greeted you.

"Look, I think you..." you started but soon you were interrupted.

"Yesterday you had a lot of fun with Jimin."

You felt how your whole body tensed.

"Who is it?" Jungkook asked.

He reached for your phone but you quickly stood up.

"It's my friend. I'll be back."

You turned away from Jungkook and left the room.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?" you hissed.

"I have a lot of names, darling, but you can call me Suga" you couldn't see him but you knew he was smirking. "How long you and Jungkook are dating? 3 years? It's very long time. It's pretty understandable that you got bored of him and you wanted someone else."

"What do you want?"

"Ruin your life sounds like a perfect plan but mostly I want you."


"I want you. I was watching you for some time and all I can say that you're an interesting person."

"Babe?" you heard Jungkook's voice.

"Let's meet tomorrow. At the place you and Jimin met. 3 pm. Don't be late."

You was about to hung up but you heard his voice again.

"Wear something nice."

You soon hung up and felt two strong arms around your waist.

"What you and your friend talked about?" Jungkook whispered in your ear.

"W-we just talked about our meeting tomorrow" you stuttered.

"Oh, sounds pretty boring."

Jungkook turned you around and now you were facing him.

"You love me, right?"

You bit your lip and nodded your head. You loved him. Or at least you thought you did and still do.


2:45 pm. You nervously eyed the place. Suga will be here any minute. You didn't know who he was. You never heard about someone named Suga. But he knew about you and it scared you.

"Did I make you wait?" you heard a voice behind you.

You turned around and were met with two dark eyes and a smile on the face.

"What do you want from me?" you hissed ignoring his question.

"Can I first sit down?"

The smile was never leaving his face. He sat next to you, maybe even too close. You tried to move away a little but he stopped you by putting his hand on your tight. You didn't know why but you freezed by his touch.

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