v/taehyung (part 1)

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Fabuary 1st.

"Hello, Taehyung. How are you today?" I smiled at him.

No response. As always.

"Don't want to talk again?"

He looked at me for a second. It seem he wanted to say something but I was wrong.

It was another quiet session.

Fabuary 8th.

They found him with 10 dead people. He was the only one who survived the "killer". Police thought that Kim Taehyung was the killer, that he's psychopath and should be locked up but they couldn't find any evidence against him. So here I'm with him again in my office, trying to find out what happened that night.

"I tried everything. Why you don't want to talk to me?" I asked.

Taehyung was looking down at his lap playing with his fingers.

"Taehyung..." I sighed.

I didn't know what to say anymore so we sat in silence once again.

Fabuary 15th.

"How was your Valentine's day?" I smiled at him.

I never asked him this kind of questions so he looked at me confused.

"I thought that maybe we should talk about something else today."

He nodded. It was the first time he responded to me even if was just a nod.

"Did you have someone to spend it with?"

I smiled brightly at him.

He shook his head and looked down at his lap.

"Oh. Can I ask why?"

And it was the last words for today's session.

Fabuary 22nd.

"He doesn't speak. I don't know what I should do anymore" I sighed.

"How many sessions you had? 5? 7?" Namjoon asked.

"Today will be 6th."

"And nothing?"

"He nodded his head."

"Really?? That's all? It's waste of time. I bet he's the killer. He just has this innocent face and no one can't believe he could hurt a fly."

"He's not a killer. I just think he, he's..."

"Even you can't think about a good explanation why he was surrounded by dead people bodies" Namjoon chuckled.

"He's scared..." I whispered to myself so Namjoon didn't hear me.

March 1st.

"Do you like games?" I asked.

Taehyung looked at me and slowly nodded.

"I brought some table games today. Would you like to play with me?" I smiled.

He nodded and a little smile appeared on his face.

"You won again. You're so good at games Kim Taehyung."

Did he just blushed? He did. A little smile was playing on his face.

"We have 15 minutes left?" I said looking at the clock. "Do you want to..."

He kissed me. I felt his soft lips on mine. I freezed for a moment. It happened so fast that I even didn't realize what happened at first.

I gently pushed him away and stood up from the couch we were sitting.

"You... Me..." I stuttered.

I took a deep breath.

"You can't do this, Taehyung. It's wrong."

"I know..."

March 8th.

I was sitting in front of him, next to my table. After what happened last time I didn't want to get too close to him. I even didn't know what I should say. We were sitting in silences. Taehyung's eyes never leaving me, a little smile on his face.

"Um... How was your day?" I asked finally.

His smile became even bigger after he heard my question, or it was because he heard my voice and he even didn't care about the question. I wasn't sure.

"It's okay we can just sit quietly as we always..."

"I miss you."

The smile. His smile. It was different. His eyes too.

part 2?

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