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requested by lovely @euneunicorn !! hope you like it 💗

"I just feel like he doesn't feel the same about me" I whispered to Jimin.

"What do you mean?"

I was tearing up. I didn't want to cry in front of Jimin but I just couldn't hold it back anymore. Jimin didn't say anything. He tightly hugged me and placed his head on mine. He let me cried on his chest.

"I'll talk with him" he whispered after few minutes.

"What did you tell him?" Yoongi shouted on me.

"W-what? Who?" I stuttered.

"Jimin. What did you told him? He said that I've hurted you."

Yoongi took some steps to get closer but I've moved away and soon I was against the wall.

"Did I really hurt you?" he asked, this time his voice was a little softer.

I didn't say anything. I looked down at my feet. He didn't physically hurt you but in few weeks you were arguing more than ever and you always end up crying in your room and him sleeping on the couch. Yoongi was always angry or moody. You even can't remember when was the last time you shared a kiss.

The first year when you started dating was amazing. He always took care of you. He always tried to make you smile. You stayed till 5 am to talk about anything with each other. He spent all his free time with you. But now. Now it was different. You thought that he just got tired of you. He didn't feel the same about you after all this time you were together.


I felt his hand on your cheek. I didn't even noticed how he got so close to me so fast. I shivered by his touch. I missed his touch so much but I turned my face away.

"Do you still love me?" I suddenly asked.

The question got him a little shocked.


"Do you still love me?" I repeated myself just this time I was looking deep into his eyes.

"Of course! Why I shouldn't? Why you even ask?"

"Then why you always mad at me!"

Now I was one who was shouting. I just couldn't hold it back. The tears were running down my face.

"If you wouldn't be so annoying, I wouldn't be moody all the time and loving you would be more easy but..."


After my question he realized what he just said.

"I didn't mean to..."

Yoongi tried to pull me closer to him but i pushed him away.


"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that..."

"I said, leave!"

Tears were running down my face now even more, I pushed him again.

"Go and find someone else if I'm such a bother."

Yoongi grabbed my hands and put them to my sides. I looked up at him and at that second I felt his lips on mine. I tried to push him away but he just tightened his grip and deepened the kiss. Soon one of his hand left my wrist and was on my waist to pull me closer to his body.

"I love you" he whispered into my lips.

I pulled a little back and looked into his eyes. His eyes looked deeply in mine but soon they looked down at my lips again. He bit his lower lip and met my eyes.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad boyfriend" he whispered. "You deserve someone better than me. I'm sorry. I promise, I'll change because I don't want to lose you."

He pressed his lips on mine again. I realized how much I've missed his kiss.

My hands found their way around his neck and I pulled his closer to deepen the kiss.

"I love you" I blushed after the kiss.

"I love you too" he said and gave a quick peck on my lips. "Let's go on a date."

I blushed even more and nodded my head.

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