v/taehyung (part 2)

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March 14th.

"Do you want someone to be with you this time? I don't trust him at all after all you said to me" Namjoon said.

"You never trusted him. Also I don't think he will talk with me if someone be with us in the room."

"Talk? He said just few sentences and they're not about the case."

"I will be alright, don't worry" I smiled.

Namjoon nodded. He didn't want to argue with me.

March 15th.

Taehyung eyes were never leaving the man next door. I saw how his jawline clenched. Namjoon, what I told you?

"Taehyung, just ignore him. It's only me and you" I smiled.

Taehyung didn't even look at me. His eyes were dark.

"You should leave" I said.

"Kim Namjoon said..." the policeman started but I stopped him.

"Everything's fine. He just a little bit overreacting."

I gave him a fake smile, he nodded and left the room. I saw how Taehyung's body relaxed.

He finally looked my direction. Big smile on his face.

"How was your day?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I miss you so much."

March 22nd.

"You died your hair" I said.

He nodded, bright smile on his face.

"You like it?" he asked.

"Y-yes" I stuttered. "It looks different."

We sat for few minutes in silence.

"You want to talk what happened?" he suddenly asked.

I nodded my head. I was surprised by his sudden words. He never talked so much and never wanted to talk about that night.

"His name is V."

"V?" I asked. "Who is V?"

"The killer" he whispered.

March 26th.

"Do you understand that he described himself?" Namjoon asked.

"Maybe he has a twin" I said.

I didn't want to believe that he's the killer. Yes, he was a little weird but I couldn't believe that someone like him would murder someone, in this case 10 people.

"He's psychopath. He doesn't even know what he's doing. He killed 10 people and blame it on someone who looks exactly like him. Do you understand how stupid this sounds?"

I didn't know what to say anymore. Namjoon was right. He's always right about this kind of things but I just couldn't believe that Taehyung is a killer.

March 27th.

V. Who is V?

"What are thinking about?"

I felt two hands around my waist.

"Nothing" I smiled and turned around. "How was your day, baby?"

"Boring without you."

"Jungkook, you know that..."

He didn't let me finish, he gently pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back without hesitation.

He tighten his grip and pulled me even closer to his body. He moved his lips to my neck, leaving kisses.

"Taehyung..." I whispered.


Jungkook moved away from me.

"Who the fuck is Taehyung?"

"Jungkook, it's n-nothing" I stuttered.

"Yeah, sure."

He turned away and left the room.

"Jungkook, I..."

"I don't care."

Jungkook put his shoes on and took his jacket.

"Where are you going?"

I tried to grab him by his hand.

"I need air."

March 28th.

"He didn't pick up."

"Who?" Namjoon asked.

"Jungkook. What if something happened?"

"I think he can take care of himself" Namjoon chuckled.

"It's not funny. We, we had a fight..."

"Oh... He just need time then. Everything will be okay."

"Really? He never go for so long even if we fight. He got back after few hours. It was more than few hours and...."

"Everything will be alright."

Namjoon gave me a smile and I nodded.

"Everything will be okay" I repeated.

March 29th.

"Hello, Taehyung. How was...?"

"They said I killed them."

I saw tears in his eyes. He was crying.

"I didn't. I didn't even know them."

I don't know why but I came closer and hugged him. He buried his head in crock of my neck. I felt his hot breath on my skin and few tears.

"I didn't do anything. It's V. V always hurts people. He's bad."

Taehyung looked into my eyes.

"Do you believe me?"

"I do." I whispered.

April 5th.

"It's our last session" I said.

Taehyung didn't look at me. He was staring at his hands.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung." I whispered.

He looked at me. His eyes full of anger and sadness.

"You said you believe me" he whispered.

"I do."

"Then why they send me to prison?"

I didn't know what to say. I looked down at my table.

"Can I have last hug?" he asked suddenly.


He nodded his head. I wasn't sure about this but I didn't want make him more sad so I agreed.

I came closer and gently hugged him. I felt his warm body against mine.

"I'm sorry" he whispered into my ear.

I looked at him and at this moment I felt his lips on mine. It was different than the first one. This one was more aggressive. He grabbed my waist with his strong arms and I whimpered.

"Say hello to them and Jungkook. V missed them. "

"What?" I asked.

Suddenly the sharp object went through my body. I felt on the ground, blood running down my body. I looked up to see Taehyung in front of me but it wasn't Taehyung anymore. It was Him. V.

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