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requested by LJPMARYY, hope you like it 😊

"I dreamed of you again.
I dream of you all the time.
You're the only one I think about.
You rule my world,
You rule my heart,
And I think
I'm in love with you.

"You find one of these next to your apartment doors again?" Hoseok asked when he finally finished reading a pink letter.

"Yes, and I still have no idea how someone manage to put them without me noticing." Namjoon replied and closed his eyes.

"Do you think she knows who you actually are?"

"I don't think so. I don't think she would say she loves me if she knows who I actually am."

"You need to find her." Hoseok said and read the letter one more time. "If Yoongi finds out about this, he will find her and we all know what will happen next."

"I know..."


"My love for you grows bigger and bigger.
Seeing you makes my heart skip a beat.
Without you my life is empty.
Look what you did to me, my love.
Look what you did to my life.
I'm so in love with you
And I can't stop loving you.

Namjoon was reading letter over and over again. He was looking for an answer. He was thinking who it can be.

"Who are you?" he whispered to himself.

It was sixth letter he got. Every one of them was pink and got a little text except for the first one. The first one was white and the only thing it said was "I think I like you Kim Namjoon."

"Who are you?" he repeated the question to himself.

He stood up from his bed and made his way to one of the night stands. He slowly opened one of the drawers and took out some papers. It was the letters.

He sit down on the floor and read them one by one again.

"I think I like you Kim Namjoon."

"I dream of you for the first time.
It looked so real.
I could feel your lips on my skin.
I could feel your kiss.
Oh if only this was true...

"I don't think I just like you,
I think I'm in love.
I think I'm in love with you.
I love every inch of you.
You're too beautiful.
You're too beautiful for this world.
Are you even real, my dear?
Are you just part of my imagination?

"Oh if I only could feel your lips against mine.
I'd die for your kiss.
I'd do anything just to have you close.
My dear love, you're the only one I want,
You're the only one I need.
I love you.

"I dreamed of you again.
I dream of you all the time.
You're the only one I think about.
You rule my world,
You rule my heart,
And I think
I'm in love with you.

"My love for you grows bigger and bigger.
Seeing you makes my heart skip a beat.
Without you my life is empty.
Look what you did to me, my love.
Look what you did to my life.
I'm so in love with you
And I can't stop loving you.

"So do you know who she is already?" Namjoon heard a male's voice behind him. Yoongi.

"What are you doing here?" he stood up from the floor and faced him.

Even if Yoongi was shorter than Namjoon, he was more intimidating.

"I just wanted to visit my favourite demon." he smirked. "I wanted to know how my demon is doing here on earth and as much as I can see, it looks that you have a fan."

"It's nothing you should worry about." Namjoon hissed.

"Who is she?" Yoongi asked.

"Why do you care? It's my problem and I'll deal with it myself."

"Deal with it yourself? Like Jimin did?" Yoongi raised his voice.

Namjoon remembered what happened to Jimin. Jimin was Yoongi's favourite demon and when he fucked it up, Yoongi didn't even think twice, he ripped out his throat and watched how he died in front of him.

Jimin had a human admirer too. He said that he will deal with it himself but didn't he know that he will fall for them. He felt in love with a human and when Yoongi found it out he couldn't let it happen. He burned the human admirer alive and made Jimin watch it. Later he killed Jimin too.

"I'm better than Park and you know it." Namjoon replied.

"Of course you are." Yoongi smirked. "Bring her to me."


Namjoon was walking down the street. He was trying to think about who the anonymous admirer could be.

He was walking not even caring where he's going when suddenly he bumped in to someone.

"I'm so sorry." Namjoon heard a female's voice.

"It's my fault. I wasn't looking where I'm going." he said and finally made eye contact with her.

"I wasn't looking where I'm going either so don't blame only yourself, Kim Namjoon." she smiled.

Namjoon froze. It's her. It has to be.

"How do you know my name?" Namjoon asked and took one step closer.

"W-what?" the girl stuttered. "I d-don't."

She didn't even realized that she just said his name.

"I finally found you."


"Is her?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon didn't say anything just nodded. Yoongi took some steps and was only few inches away from the girl.

"She's cute." he chuckled.

Yoongi tried gently touch her cheek but she turned away. He scared her. She could feel coldness from him.

"Namjoon, you know what you need to do, right?" Yoongi looked at his direction.

Namjoon looked over at the girl and saw tears in her eyes. She knew what's going to happen.

"Make it fast. She's too cute to suffer." Yoongi chuckled again and left the room.

Now Namjoon was only few inches away from her. He didn't want to do this but there's no other option.

"Namjoon, please, I-I love you." she cried out.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked quietly.

"Kim Namjoon, the love of my life."

It made Namjoon chuckled. How can someone love a stranger?

"I mean, do you know who I actually am?"

She didn't know what to say. She was confused. His question confused her.

"I'm not someone to love and I'll never love you back." he whispered quietly. "You did it to yourself."

Soon the girl felt pain in her chest and everything went black.


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