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requestes by WeTheCrucified 😊

And here are you, quietly hiding behind one of the desks and praying that they won't notice you.

"I have a feeling that we're not alone here" one of the men said to other.

"What do you mean?" the other one raised his eyebrows and scanned the room. "No one is here."

"Oh, we're definitely not alone" he smirked.

Your heart started racing at bigger speed. Did he see you?

"Agust, what the fuck are you talking about?" the other asked again.

He doesn't say anything just took his gun in his hand again and started walking around the room. Your heart was about to stop.

"Please, please, please." you mouthed and tears started running down your cheeks.

"Agust, stop this nonsense and help me. We don't have a lot of time till police shows up."

"Jungkook, shut the fuck up." Agust hissed. "Do what you have to and let me find our little guest."

The taller man just sighed and didn't try to stop or say anything else. After all, Agust D is his boss so there's no point to argue, unless he wants to end up as Park Jimin who' now is 10 feet deep buried somewhere. Agust D ended his life because Jimin got tired of being one of "his people". He started thinking that everything they do isn't something he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

"Where are you?" Agust whispered.

He was only few inches away from your hiding spot. You couldn't do it anymore, you felt that your heart is about to jump out of your body, tears were running down your face. You didn't even realized how a quiet sob left your lips. It was enough for Agust D to hear you.

"Found you." he said and big smile appeared on his face.

He kicked the desk you were hiding behind. You couldn't stop shaking. The only thing what was going through your mind was that you are dead.

"Well, hello, princess. " he said. "Don't hide anymore. I found you."

Jungkook looked up to see to who Agust D was talking. He saw how you slowly got up of the floor.

"And you said that I'm just joking." Agust faced Jungkook and chuckled.

Agust faced you again. He was scanning you. You couldn't raised your head. You were scared even to look at him.

"What someone like you doing here in such a late hour?" he asked.

You didn't answer him. You were scared to open your mouth. What if he won't believe you and it will be his excuse to shoot you right here, right now.

"Answer me. What are you doing here, princess?" he said and took some steps closer to you.

He was inches away from you. You were scared even to breath.

"I-I, I w-work here..." you stuttered, tears still running down your cheeks.

"Interesting." he chuckled. "What kind of work you do at 2 am?"

"I-I have to f-finish-"

"I don't care." he interrupted you and big smile appeared on his face.

He gently touched your cheek with his hand. It made you shiver.

"Look at me." he whispered quietly to you.

You didn't want to but you didn't have a choice. You slowly raised your head for the first time this night and met his two brown eyes.

"You're pretty." he smirked.

You wanted to look away but he stopped you with the kiss. He roughly pressed his lips on yours. You were trying to not kiss him back.

He moved back a little and you saw lust and anger in his eyes.

"Why you didn't kiss me back?" he hissed.

"Agust, we have to go." Jungkook said, interrupting you two.

"Get outside and wait for me." he said back, not even looking at him.

Agust took some steps back and pointed his gun at you. You even stopped breathing.

"Agust, we have to leave. Now!"

"I said, wait for me outside." he said annoyed.

Jungkook looked in your direction for the last time and left the building.

"It's sad that someone so beautiful has to die today." he said quietly.

"P-please..." you stuttered. "I-I won't say a-anything."

"Why everyone always says that?" he chuckled. "It was nice to meet you, princess."

You closed your eyes and soon you felt pain in your chest.

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