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requested by cottontailsweetheart, hope you like it ☺️

"She left me. She fucking left me. She sais that I'm worthless. She said that she doesn't want to see me anymore."

Hoseok couldn't stop crying and you weren't sure what to do anymore. He was laying on the floor, curled in to a ball. You sat down next to him.

"Hoseok, please look at me." you whispered quietly but he didn't hear you or he just didn't want to hear. "Hobi, please."

You felt how your eyes started watering. Seeing him like this break your heart. You and him were friends since you were kids. He always was the cheerful boy who tried to make everyone around him laugh. He was a sun who brightens everyone's day. But now. Now he was broken.

"I'm worthless" he kept repeating.

"Hobi, you're not worthless. Look at me, please."

You gentle touched his arm and he finally opened his eyes and looked at you. He looked like a lost puppy.

"You're amazing, Hobi. You're my little sunshine." you smiled.

You wildly opened your arms and he hugged you without wasting any seconds. He buried his head into your neck. You could felt his hot tears on your skin.

"Please, don't leave." he whispered against your skin.

"Never." you whispered back quietly.

You two sat there for hours. He didn't want to let you go because he was scared that you will leave him too. He tightly hold you against his body but you didn't mind it. You wanted him to feel better and if this is the only way he could feel better you wanted to do this as long as he needs.


You woke up in the bed. You didn't even know how you ended up in there. You tried to get up but few hands were holding you. You realized it was Hoseok. He was hugging you and holding you next to him. You wiggled a little to loosen his grip but it only woke him up.

"W-where are you going?" he stuttered a little.

You couldn't see him but you knew that he was about to cry again. You didn't want it to happen.

"Nowhere, sweetie." you replied simply.

You turned around and now you were facing him. His eyes were all red from crying. You couldn't see any sight of the joy in his eyes anymore. He was broken and it kills you.

"Don't leave, please." he whispered quietly looking deeply in your eyes.

"I'm not going to, Hobi. I will stay with you if you want to, okay?"

He didn't say anything just nodded his head. You smiled and wiggled again.

"I really need to go to the bathroom." you said and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, yes. Sorry."


"You're so beautiful." he smiled.

"Hobi, stop." you blushed.

You were at his place for the whole week now. You haven't left him alone since that night. He didn't let you leave his apartment. He started acting a little weird. Every night he would make you to sleep with him in his bed. He kept repeating that he just can't fall asleep alone. He felt left off and lonely if you're not with him. You didn't want to make him any sadder so you always agreed with him. He was following you around the whole place. He said that he doesn't want to be alone but you started thinking that he doesn't want to leave you alone.

"Hobi, can we go somewhere? I'm tired of this place." you chuckled. "I want to visit Yoongi. I haven't see him in ages."

You were brightly smiling at him. You were waiting for his respond. You saw how bright smile on his face faded away.

"I'm not good enough?" he said.

"W-what?" you stuttered by his sudden question. "I didn't say that, Hoseok."

"Then why you want to leave?" he asked again.

You saw few tears in his eyes and it automatically made you feel guilty for your request.

"I-I'm sorry, sweetie." you quietly replied. "I just missed my friends. I miss my own bed." you laughed a little of your last sentence.

"My bed is your bed." he replied and took some steps closer. "My place is your place."

Hoseok was few inches away. His face was very close to yours. You could felt his hot breath against your skin.

"You don't need them when you have me, my love." he said and a little smiled appeared on his face. "I'm all you need."

"W-what are y-you talking about?" you stuttered.

You were scared. You were scared of him. He wasn't the same boy. He wasn't the same Hoseok you knew.

"I love you, my love." he said and gently pressed his lips to yours.

You froze. You didn't know what to do. You didn't even kissed him back.

"Kiss me." he whispered against your lips.

You finally got the courage and pushed him away.

"Hoseok, you can't do this." you said.

"You don't love me?" he asked and few tears appeared in his eyes

"N-no." you stuttered. "We're friends, Hoseok. You know that I love you just as friend." you tried to smile.

"I love you!" he said again and pressed his lips against yours once more.

You felt how few tears slipped through your eyes. You pushed him away. You even didn't realized how you suddenly slapped him.

"Stop!" you cried out. "I want to leave right now."

Hoseok chuckled. You looked at him confused.

"My love, where do you want to leave? You're my love. You're love of my life. I want to live with you for the rest of my life. I love you, my angel."

You couldn't stop crying. He wasn't the Hoseok you knew before. He was gone. You were scared of the person who was standing in front of you. You were scared and you didn't know what to do. You just stood and looked at him while tears were running down your face.

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