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"You're much beautiful in real life" he smiled.

You looked in his eyes. He looked like a really nice man. You would think that he's a gentleman if you were met him somewhere else and he wouldn't had bought you.

"I'm Jung Hoseok."

His smile seem genuine. He didn't look like a bad person.

"They said that your name is Rosie" he chuckled. "How many of you have the same name?"

You chuckled. He was right. Almost all girls were named Rosie. They said it's beautiful name for a beautiful girls.

"I don't want to call you like that."

Hoseok got closer to you. You looked down.

"They probably teach you a lot how to act next to your owners."

You felt a gentle touch on your cheek. His warm sent shivers down your spine.

"Can I ask for your real name?"

You looked up and met his dark brown eyes.


"As beautiful as you."

He smiled. You felt how your cheeks started to burn.

"Did I just make you blush? You're different from the other girls."

Hoseok lick his lips. His eyes got darker.

"I want you to answer me honestly. I want to know you better."

You nodded your head.

"Why your price was the highest? What makes you so different?"

You opened your mouth but closed it soon enough. You didn't know. You didn't know why they thought you were different from other girls. What made you're so special?

You looked down once more but soon enough you felt his hand on your chin and he made you look at him.

"Why you're so special, princess?"

His smile sent shivers down your spine. He was intimidating but at the same time nice and gentle. You were scared of him but also feel save next to him.

You saw how his eyes looked down at your lips and got back to your eyes.

"I bought you and you're mine now. I can do whatever I want with you but something about you makes me stop myself for doing something bad to you. I don't want to be hurt you."

His eyes met your lips again.

"I never felt this way before" he chuckled.

You weren't able to took your eyes off of his face. He looked beautiful. You couldn't see any flaw in his face. He was like angel, angel created by gods.

"I’m going to kiss you now, and I don’t know if I’ll ever stop" he whispered.

Soon enough you felt his lips on yours. His hands were resting on your waist. You felt how his whole body tensed. He was trying to be as gentle as possible. He didn't want to hurt you and you could feel it.

You kissed him back. You were teached to never resist your owner. You were his now and you have to do everything to please him.

"Look what you make me do" he chuckled. "What makes me feel so powerless?"

He rested his head on yours. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"What did you do to me, princess?"

"Mister Jung..."

"Hoseok, I told you to call me Hoseok."

He looked deep into your eyes. You looked down and think for a moment.

"Don't be scared to call me Hoseok. I let you call me this. I want to hear my name from your beautiful lips. I want to hear how beautiful my name sounds when you say it."

You met his eyes again. The blush covered your face.

"I-I'm tired" you whispered.

You saw how a little smile appeared on his face. He looked so beautiful. He was too beautiful.

"You'd like to see your room?"

You nodded. He took your hand in his. He was so gentle. You felt how shiver ran down your spine again. You couldn't understand how he made you feel this way.

"Let me show you your room, princess."

You let him to walk you. You didn't know him at all. All you knew about him was his name and that he's your owner. But you trusted him. You trusted him more than anything in this world.

Who knew that it will be the first day for you to fall for him. Fall for Jung Hoseok, your owner. Who knew that you will break the only rule. Who knew that he will break the only rule.

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