rm/namjoon (part 1)

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March 12th. 12:36 am.

"What do you mean?"

Jimin raised his eyebrows. He was confused as hell by all your words.

"It's exactly what I mean, Jimin. I feel like someone is watching me. No matter where I'm or what I do. I feel like someone watching me. I'm loosing my mind."

"Relax. I think your anxiety is just playing tricks on you. You moved to a new place, you don't know anyone here except me. You just nervous."

"Jimin, I promise you. It's, it's something else. I just feel how IT stares at me, I can feel their gaze..."

"Wait. You feel like someone is watching you right now?"

You slowly nodded your head.

Jimin didn't want to believe anything you say. You two were at his apartment, sitting on the couch. How the fuck someone could watch you right now?

Jimin looked around. His eyes scanned through the apartment but he didn't see anything. He took one of your hand in his. His warm touch sent shivers down your spine.

"There's no one here, angel. It's only me and you."

Jimin's voice was soft. He wanted to make you feel save with him.

Your eyes met his brown ones. You saw a little smile on his face. You tried to smile to.

"You're right."

Jimin slowly kissed you. He tangled his hand in your hair. His lips felt sweet, swollen and soft. You felt like home in his arms but the feeling of someone watching you didn't leave you...

March 22nd. 6:58 pm.

You couldn't stay still. Your fingers were tapping the desk. You felt it. You felt someone is watching you. Watching you again. You raised your head and looked around. You were alone in your room. No one around you.

You took your phone and called Jimin.

"Hello, angel! How are..."

"Can you come over? Or can I come over?" you asked him, didn't let him finish.

"Um, yeah, sure. I'll be at your place in 15 minutes."


March 31st. 8:12 pm.

"Maybe you should go see someone?" Jimin said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, um, maybe you should visit a psychologist or something like that."

Jimin didn't want to hurt you or anything but his words made you sad and angry. He didn't believe you. He didn't believe someone was watching you all the time.

"You think I've lost my mind? You think that I'm schizophrenic?"

You felt how tears started showing up in your eyes.

"No, I just..." Jimin took a deep breath. "I don't think you're doing well. You always talk about how someone is watching you when no one, I mean, no one is around. It's not normal. You feel like this more than a month now. I just want you to be okay."

"I am okay! It's not my fault that someone is watching me! You should be worried more than me! Someone is stalking me and all you can say is to go and visit someone!"

"You see! I can't fucking do this anymore. You're scared to leave your house. You're even scared to be in your own house alone. I'm sorry."

Jimin took his jacket and stood up to leave. You grabbed his hand.

"Please, don't leave me. They will hurt me, I feel like they will come tonight and do something more than just watch me."

Tears were running down your face. Jimin looked at you with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He took his hand away from yours and left you alone in your apartment.

March 31st. 11:58 pm.

You could feel it eyes on you. You closed your eyes and tried to sleep. You couldn't. You sit up and looked around. Nothing.

"Everything's going to be okay." you whispered to yourself.

You laid down and closed your eyes again.

"Are you sure about that?"

April 1st. 12:16 am.

"Who, who are you?" you stuttered.

"You called me your stalker. I don't like that name you gave me."

The tall guy pouted. You felt how your heart started to be faster.

"Your heartbeat sounds amazing" he smiled. "Am I scaring you?"

The tall boy sat next to you on your bed. You wanted to move but you couldn't. You were too scared to even move.

He gently touch your cheek. His hand was cold. Cold like ice. You closed your eyes.

"You're much more beautiful of closer."

His voice was soft. You opened your eyes and looked at him. You were surprised by his look. He didn't look like a bad person. You would never thought like someone like him could do something bad if you meet him on the street.

The second thing you noticed about him was his eyes. The way he looked at you. He was in love. He was in love with you.

April 1st. 3:24 am.

"My name is Kim Namjoon. You can call me Namjoon or anything sweet you prefer" he smiled.

"I'm going to stick to stalker" you replied bluntly.

You saw how his face changed.

" I told you that I don't like you calling me like this."

He grabbed your hand and dig his nails in your skin. You whimpered from the pain.

"Don't call me that."

"What do you want from me?" you cried out.

"You. All I want is you."

He loosen his grip.

"That guy, um, Jimin, right?"

Your heart started to beat faster again. You locked your eyes with his.

"Do you actually like him? I mean, he doesn't treat you right. I'm way better than him. I would treat you better. Someone like him doesn't even deserve to live. Like, he left you all alone and he didn't believe you. That's not nice."

"Please, don't h-hurt him." you stuttered.

Namjoon leaned closer. You could felt his hot breath on your skin.

"What if I say that it's too late?"

part 2?

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