suga/yoongi (part 1)

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"We can't just kill him!" you kept trying to change Hoseok's minds.

"Why? This piece of shit just tried to kill two of our people! All I want right know is to beat him to death, stab him millions of times, cut his fingers one by one-"

"Stop! Namjoon, please" you looked at the leader. "Don't let him do this. We still don't know who he works for or with who and we need to keep him alive to find out."

"People like him deserves to suffer-"

"Hoseok, enough!" Namjoon finally opened his mouth.

You looked over at Hoseok and saw how annoyed he looked . He wanted to kill him so badly but he can't do it if Namjoon do not tell him to.

Finally Namjoon looked at you.

"Fine. We're not going to kill him yet."

"You finally used your-" you started but soon Nmajoon cut you off.

"But you're going to be the one who takes care of him in this time."


"No buts. You wanted us to keep him alive for a little longer, now go and take care of him."

"Good luck" Hoseok chuckled and left the room with Namjoon.



You stood behind the door where Agust D was. You kept refusing to enter the room. You knew that he was hurt. He was hurt badly. Also you didn't know him at all. No one knew who he was and where he came from.

You finally decided to open the doors and enter the room. He was sitting on the chair in the middle of the room. His hands tied behind, legs tied together. His white shirt now all red. You weren't sure if blood was all his or also and someone else.

You came closer to him. He looked like he was already dead and you freaked out. You sat down and tried to look at his face.

"I'm not dead yet" he said really quietly.

Did he just read your mind?

"I-I brought you some food" you stuttered.

He finally raised his head up and met your eyes. One of his eyes was bloody, his lip cut. His all face was full of bruises.

"Food? Are you going to give me the last meal before killing me?" he chuckled but soon his face was full of pain again.

You saw how he gently licked blood off of his lip.

"N-no. W-we need you alive" you stuttered again.

Hoseok would die of laughter if he sees you right now.

"Okay" it's all he said.

You took out the food and placed it in front of him.

"I'm not good at cooking but I tried" you whispered.

You looked at him and saw a little smile on his face.


You quickly stood up and was about to leave when you heard his voice again.

"How am I supposed to eat it by myself?"


You were back again. This time you were ready to clean his cuts. You were sitting very close in front of him. Maybe too close but you needed to have better access to his wounds.

You gently pressed a little cloth against his lip and he hissed.

"Don't pretend that it hurts, okay?" you rolled your eyes.

He didn't say anything just chuckled. You met his eyes with yours and you smiled yourself.

Suddenly you heard Hoseok's voice behind the doors. You turned your head to face the sounds direction. You were praying for him to not enter the room. You didn't want him to see you taking care of something he wanted to kill more than anything.

"You don't like him?" Agust suddenly asked you.

You quickly turned your head to him to reply to his question when your lips slapped against his. He kissed you. He fucking kissed you. You needed some time till you realized what happened and moved away.

"I just wanted to have my last kiss before I die" he chuckled.

You felt how your cheeks turned bright red. You quickly grabbed all the stuff you brought with yourself and rushed out of the room.


"Stay here" Namjoon said to you and left you alone in your room.

He's free now. Agust D is free. His people came to save him and now they all are here, killing everyone. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to help but you were too sacred.

Your heart started beating faster when you heard people voices behind the door. One of the voices was his. Agust D.

Soon the door swung open and you saw him. Big smile appeared on his face when he saw you.

"I finally found you."

You freezed. You didn't know what to do.

"P-please, don't hurt me" you stuttered. "Don't hurt me and my friends."

You felt how tears started running down your face.

"No, baby, don't cry. I'm not going to hurt you. Never."

He took some steps and soon he was inches away from you. You even could felt the warm from his body.

He gently placed his hand on your cheek and whipped away your tears.

"Don't cry."

He slowly leaned closer and gently pressed his lips against yours. You wanted to push him away but you couldn't. You melted into the kiss. You wanted more and you even don't know why.

"Agust, we need to go" the guy he came with said.

He looked in your eyes for the last time and a big smile appeared on his face again.

"We will meet again soon, baby. I promise."

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