Welcome to Lennox

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Enough was enough. I was tired of the what felt like memories or flashbacks repeating over and over in my daily routine. I was tired. I needed a fresh start, I needed something to refresh my memory and this was it. Lennox, the calm town filled with forests, lonely roads and smiling faces. The most innocent small town you could find. I drove slowly checking all the signs making sure that I found the right road where my new house would be found buried in the trees. The sound of my tires brushing across the leaves and dirt was music to my ears and then there it was, the small cottage I saved for, my new future in my new life was sitting peacefully surrounded by ferns and trees, it was almost too green. This was what I wished for, peace. I slowly stepped my foot on the brakes and stepped out of the car, I smiled to myself and covered my mouth. It was perfect. I
skipped towards the boot of my car and lifted it up and grabbed my bags. I grabbed the keys from my left pocket and stepped onto the porch , I looked back to admire the view for another time and I turned back and turned the key as the door unlocked. I slowly stepped inside and placed my bags down by the mantelpiece in the front room. I looked around at the living room, the stairs and then the dining room, I noticed a small note left on the wooden table.
'Enjoy your new life Rose! Xo -A'
"Allison." I thought to myself, this cabin belonged to my grandmother before I moved in. This cabin was my 17th birthday present but now I'm 18 and this was my getaway home. She died a couple months after my birthday, I guess she left a note here before she left. I felt a lump in my throat and I decided to pin the note on the fridge, something to remember her by. I grabbed a couple of my bags and walked them up the stairs and nudged the door with my arm open. I began to place everything into its place moving quite quickly not noticing it. Later, everything was in place, my wardrobe was filled with my best clothes and shoes and my desk was filled with textbooks, my laptop and an oval mirror. I placed small fairy lights around my room just to brighten the place up even more. I fell back onto my bed and sighed. I was startled by the vibration of my phone on the bed I looked over and the one word made me laugh. 'Mother'
"Hi mother!" I laughed into the phone remembering her strict rule to call me when I was finished tidying up the place.
"Rose? Oh Rose you scared me! I thought you got lost in the forest or something odd that I could see you doing, you are incredibly clumsy after all." She sighed into the phone.
"Thank you mother, that is very kind to know what you think of me!" I laughed and she continued to sigh.
"I am completely fine, I tidied this house up pretty well and it's beautiful here..." I hesitated to talk about the note from Allison, she was upset enough that I moved here alone.
"I am glad, I hope you find what you're looking for just please, don't make any mistakes ok?" There was a long pause and the sound of muffled voices.
"I'm sorry Rose but I'm in the office and I need to finish my work, update me later please. I have to go, buh-bye Rosie!" She ended the call quickly and I dropped my phone to my side. I sat up and went to my desk and sat down, I opened up my screen on the laptop and began to search for 'best college in Lennox.' I scrolled across and found Lennox college, how simple. I scrolled across the reviews. Five stars! A simplistic but 'fantastic' place. I clicked different reviews and decided to click the bold words 'contact.'

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