Sleepless nights

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I looked around me and I was surrounded in darkness, no one was around me until I heard my name.
"Rose..." I looked around me and then I looked forward and he was there.
"Spencer!" I wrapped my arms around him and he said nothing, he was still and he wasn't responding.
"Spencer what's—" I slowly let go of him and his head dropped to the floor.
"SPENCER, no, no, no—"
"Rose..." I looked to my left in the direction of the voice and my grandmother was standing and smiling at me. I ran to her and cried into her shoulder.
"Make it stop, make it stop grandmother."
"Rose, what have you done..." I looked behind me and a mountain of bodies covered in blood filled with my friends and my family laid before my eyes, I turned back around to see her choking on her own blood and a whole in her heart, she fell to her knees and red eyes looked towards me.
"Embrace your true nature Rose, I'm searching for you..." I screamed and fell to the floor and that was it, I woke up.
"No!" I sat up and brushed my hair with my fingers, I was sweating. I looked in the mirror to check my eyes and the crimson slowly began to fade.
"Breath..." I took deep slow breaths and then I felt my strength slow down.
"Rose, what's wrong I heard your scream from a mile—"
"Stay away from me Spencer." I stepped back as far away as possible and tripped on my bed and fell back.
"Rose." He walked slowly towards me holding his hands up.
"I said stay away from me Spencer!" I shuffled back on my bed and fell but caught myself and made a cartwheel out of it, I heard a small laugh escape from Spencer's mouth and he stopped when I glared at him instantly. I ran to the window and opened it quickly, Spencer held my wrist to stop me from jumping out.
"What's going on Rose." I looked at his face and looked down, he made me feel terrible when I saw his face filled with worry. He held my hand as I looked up at him.
"Nightmare." I mumbled, he paused for a moment and started to laugh.
"Just a nightmare?" He raised his eyebrow.
"The nightmare was about you, I killed you." He observed me with serious eyes.
"Well at least you're dreaming about me." He winked at me, I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the window and used my hand for support. I thought about Spencer for a minute and his worried eyes came into vision in my head.
"Walk with me?" I looked up at him and smiled and he responded with a smile.
"Your wish is my command my lady." He was at my side in a matter of seconds and offered his arm to me grinning, I rolled my eyes and started walking whilst he caught up.
"So where are we walking?" He observed the trees around us.
"Wherever my mind takes me." I closed my eyes taking in the sun.
"But I'm already here." He winked at me.
"Wow, you're adorable."
"I sense a hint of sarcasm." He narrowed his eyes at me as I laughed.
"So how come the sun doesn't burn you, I've read many books and all of them say the sun means something to vampires."
"Well..." he hesitated with sentencing the words.
"It's difficult to put into words but the myths say we only hunt at night because it can prevent people from knowing what we are but our thirst it's more intense in the sun almost like the sun burns the blood we fed on."
"Do you thirst for my blood?" My question stopped him instantly and I turned to him confused.
"Well, as of what the sun does it burns the blood we had which means I don't really have any blood in my body right now so to you..." he slowly traced my cheek with his fingers and it sent shivers down me.
"...I'm cold." He smiled.
"But you have blood flowing around your body and it's warm and that's beautiful to me and before I met you I hadn't felt warmth like you in a very long time." He looked down and I looked at him saddened by his words, I grabbed his head and remembered my nightmare and loosened my grip a little bit and pushed him against me. I heard him silently sigh and I smiled.
"This feels...amazing." He laughed and his laugh was music to my ears.
"Yeah?" It was silent for a moment and panic flowed through me, I didn't want to let go I didn't want to see what I had done what I had done in my nightmare.
"No Spencer no." I let go of him gently and the nightmare replayed but it felt real this time, I fell to the floor and held my head in between my knees and screamed.
"ROSE." I looked up and saw Spencer in-front of me with worry plastered all over his face, tears were streaming down my face and a sense of relief flooded through me when I saw his eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey." He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into his chest and held me tightly.
"Make it stop." I cried into his chest and felt his breathing slowly move up and down, he was calm.
"You're safe, it's ok." He whispered into my ear and his breathing slowly sent me into a deep sleep like a lullaby.

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