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Over the last couple of weeks, I've been training non-stop after college, before college, during break of college. Non-stop. I sat down by the waterfall and watched the water flow.
"You ok?" Spencer sat on a rock next to me. I yawned as he asked like my brain was doing the talking for me.
"Come on let's get you home." He stood up and started running.
"Wait..." I held my hand up he was back instantly.
"What's wrong?" He held his head to my level, I collapsed.
"Rose? Rose?" I tried to open my eyes but it wasn't working.
"Home sounds like a good idea..." I held his shirt as he gently sighed and picked me up, we were back at the cabin in no time and he placed me gently on my bed and wrapped me in my blankets. I gently opened my eyes to see him resting his head at the corner of my bed.
"Yes Rose?"
"I don't want to train tomorrow."
"You know you can tell me when you want to stop, my family just wants to know what you are." I heard the word family and I hesitated.
"Your family?"
"Well yes, they say they've heard about you but—" he paused trying to edit his sentence.
"Well, Sophia may know something about your kind." I was shocked, I wanted to know what I was.
"Can I see her—"
"No." He looked at me with frustration in his eyes.
"She...struggles with her thirst for human blood."
"Oh." I laid my head back onto my pillow. The  room was silent for minutes until I smelled something familiar, I looked up to see Spencer was gone and that's when I heard music coming from downstairs well not music, the changing channels of music.
"Your radio is terrible!"
"Nothing is good in this century." I turned to see what Spencer was doing.
"You're cooking?"
"Spaghetti, Italy is one of my favourite places and most of my family originated from there I just never gained their accent." I watched him cook and then I turned round to the room I hadn't stepped in since I moved in. I began to walk towards it and I saw the grand piano in white, I remembered my lessons and then I sat down and gently pressed a key. I placed both hands on the piano and began playing a song I had made before. It made me smile when my grandma came into vision like she was playing along with me.
"I guess we're finding out more about eachother today." I pressed the wrong key as I jumped, I looked over the piano and saw Spencer in the archway with a dish towel over his arm.
"You're a chef and I was a pianist."
"What stopped you?" I let my hands gently fall off the keys.
"My grandma taught me how to play and she was always the one who encouraged me to play for her and my family when they were here but she recently passed and a part of me left when she died and I just never played until tonight."
He was at my side in seconds on the chair pulling me into his chest.
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't be."
"You know, I think I knew your grandmother." He chuckled slightly and I laughed.
"Dinner is served, would you like to eat?"
"I'm starving." I ran into the kitchen in a human manner and sat down and looked at my plate, staring at it for a very long time.
"What is it?" Spencer put his hands on my shoulders in comfort but I didn't move I stayed frozen.
"Rose, what's wrong—"
"Why don't I want to eat this?"
"Spaghetti used to be my favourite meal and now I look at it and...nothing." Silence flooded the room and Spencer leaned back into the counter. I heard children's voices outside walking on the pathway to the forest and that's when I smelled the blood, I felt like I could even see it. Spencer's eyes widened in response to my reaction. I stood up and he pushed my shoulders down to sit back but I knew I was stronger than him, I twisted his arm off me and if he was human I would've shattered his bones. I ran outside and turned into the direction where the blood came from.
"Breath Rosie, breath." I heard my grandmother's voice in the back of my mind and then I saw her smile, I responded to her and began to breath deeply in and out. I hid behind a thick tree so they couldn't see my reaction or my eyes, I didn't want to be the monster of their nightmares. The smell of the blood slowly began to fade out of my scent and I rested my head on the bark of the tree.
"Hey, do you want to be left alone or—" I jumped up and fell into his arms.
"I'm a monster Spencer." Tears began to stream down my eyes.
"You're not a monster Rose—"
"Those were children Spencer, children I could've drained if I wanted to." Rain began to fall.
"What's happening to me Spencer?" I cried into his chest whilst he slowly rubbed my back in comfort.
"I don't know Rose, I don't know." He sighed deeply.
"No training tomorrow please."
"Ok ok, no training."

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