An unexpected guest

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"Well, well, Well, you've been making yourself comfortable haven't you." She sat in the chair across the room folding her leg over the other and crossing her arms raising an eyebrow.
"Sophia." I nodded at her in greet.
"Rose." She nodded back.
"Why would you run Rose, you're perfectly safe with us!" She sat up slowly.
"Sophia you don't understand, YOU are all not safe when I'm around, these powers I can't control them and I'm sick of them, I'm sick of being the most powerful one when you've been alive for centuries!" I could feel my eyes turning crimson as I grew upset, I was disappointed.
"Rose that doesn't matter to us, you just need to train."
"I've trained for months Sophia, you're not safe around me ok?" I turned away from her and began stress eating into my sandwich.
"How did you find me?" I was curious.
"Rose I could smell something funny from a mile away, the others hadn't realised yet so I went to investigate and your car was gone so I searched for your scent and voila!" She pointed at me and smiled the smile I had missed from her, it was contagious.
"Spencer misses you ya know, he thought you just needed a break so he thought you were just cooped up at home but little does he know that his girl is miles away from him."
"What a sad romance movie." I laughed and she laughed with me.
"Come on Rose, you're like my best friend and we miss you, please come home!" She circled me. I thought about it for a moment, being with Spencer again would put the puzzle piece of me together but what if it broke because of me?
"I'll think about it."
"Well...think fast because I need more tactics to defeat Spencer." She grinned and laughed as a small laugh escaped from me, she jumped from the balcony and she was gone. She knew my location now but she was the only one who knew, the other know nothing. I took another bite from my sandwich.
"Oh wait and just another thing—"
"Jesus Sophia you scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry."She stepped towards me and handed me a small box.
"What's this?"
"Open it and you will find out!" She laughed, I slowly opened it and an opalite crystal necklace was cased in the box.
"You like?" She grinned.
"I love!" I laughed.
"This isn't just a stupid human necklace by the way so please don't lose it, it will control your vampireness control and you will be able to control everything just a little easier, thirst, powers, eyes." She raised her eyebrows as I laughed.
"Thank you so much Sophia."
"Anything to get my sissy back." I looked at her confused.
"What? you are kind of in our family now and cannot escape from us for very long!" She raised her eyebrows again.
"Sophia I think you would love this place." I walked towards the balcony and stared at the lake.
"Wow, you stare at the lake as if it were Spencer." Her eyes widened and she followed my gaze.
"Wow..." she placed both elbows on the balcony wall and placed her head in her hands and smiled, she looked like a kid watching her favourite kids show. The sun began to set and it reflected on to lake creating bright orange and red colours together.
"I wish I could stay." She sulked.
"There is another room if you like?" I offered her the room opposite mine and her eyes lit up.
"I'll take it." She smiled widely.
"Welcome to Loxy lakes Sophia."
"What'd I miss?" A familiar voice appeared behind us, we instantly turned round in response and Marie sat on the chair laid back with a grin on her face.
"Yes, yes I followed you Sophia so what?" She rolled her eyes.
"Why did you?"
"I had the same concern for Rose as you, I noticed her car the night she left when I was hunting but I'm not as good as you at catching a scent so I followed you here." Sophia grinned when she heard the 'not as good as you' part of her explanation, I could see she was repeating it over and over in her head.
"You shouldn't be concerned for me I was just taking a break from all of this half vampire half human thing, I wanted to be human for a couple days!" They both looked at me and then looked back at each other.
"What?" I looked at them both confused watching their faces.
"You tell her." Marie nodded to Sophia.
"No, you tell her." Sophia nodded back to Marie.
"No you can tell her Sophia." Marie nodded to Sophia again.
"Fine!" Sophia widened her eyes at Marie and slowly narrowed her eyes at her, I tried to understand what was going on but I knew something was wrong a mile away.
"Spencer knows you're missing, I lied to you because I didn't want to upset you and ruin your 'human' vacation." I took everything in for a moment, he knew, he knew I'd left.
"We just found you first, he's going insane he's acting like he was before he met you and it breaks us, kind of if you get me." I heard Marie chuckle from the joke.
"Nothing can break us Sophia—"
"Yes, I know, shut up, take it as a figure of speech!" Sophia rolled her eyes and looked back at me.
"So we kind of need you to go back because he's not coming home, he's turning the world upside down just to find you and we can hear his anger at night." Sophia gently kicked the wood.
"The screaming, the shouting, the calls for your name, the breaking of trees." Marie counted with her fingers and listed everything. I thought clear for a moment what route I wanted to take, love or life?

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