An early leave

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Months have passed by and I never realised how exciting life can be when you're—well a vampire/human, you can jump from tree to tree if you're bored and you don't have to be afraid of being hurt by bad people as you're the strongest and could kill them with a simple hit. The word 'kill' scared me, I had basically killed two but at least they were evil and not innocent. Sophia taught me a few of her tricks with fighting techniques but it seemed like she was a natural gymnast wheeling at a super speed and not even realising until she tapped on your shoulder. Marie had attempted friendly conversation but she couldn't take it when me and Spencer were together, it reminded her too much of her and Eric. I sat on a log by the waterfall looking back at everything that had happened, Alex had tried to get into my head and make me his to keep but even his power couldn't eat it's way into my brain. I held my hand out and played with the different elements I had practiced with.
"" I flicked through all of them and tried to see if there were anymore I could control. I concentrated on different types and things that came into my mind and then I remembered the snow I created with Spencer.
"Ice." Snowflakes began to form around my hand and I twirled them around with my fingers and smiled.
"Electricity." Sparks flew in my hand and I looked at the sky and a lightning bolt struck in front of me, I laughed at the shock and covered my mouth. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my cheek.
"Hello." He whispered.
"Hello." I smiled at him.
"Spencer can I try something with you?"
"Of course, what do you want to do?" We both stepped up and stood in the meadow and faced each other.
"This May hurt just a little bit." I laughed to myself and his eyes widened.
"Three." I held one of my hands up and placed the other around his wrist and counted down.
"Two." I held up a peace sign as he began to shiver.
"One." I concentrated on the colour I wanted this to turn, I was testing to see if I could combine all the elements together and then I looked at his wrist and saw a purple glow pulse around his wrist and wrap itself around him, he winced in pain and I quickly let go.
"Sorry." I apologised and covered my mouth in shock, I did it.
"What...was that..." he looked at his wrist and looked up at me again.
"I've been trying to do it for a while but trying on something else like an animal but I only do it for a couple seconds so they don't get hurt." I looked down and gently kicked my foot back and forth on the ground and created a small purple glow in the ground.
"No, no, no, no." I covered it up with hand and it only grew. I held out my hand and put different elements around it and watched as it slowly faded, I collapsed onto the floor.
"It's ok, you got rid of it." He took a small strand of fallen hair away from my face.
"I shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry." I held his neck and cried into his shoulder.
"You didn't mean to do it Rose it's not entirely your fault." He kissed my forehead but I dodged it and stood up.
"Spencer I had terrible anxiety when I thought I was human but ever since all of this has happened it's just—"
"Heightened?" He finished my sentence with the perfect word.
"Trust me I know, I worried about people when I was human and cared for them deeply and every since then I care for them even more, every vampire's emotions become heightened once they turn." He sat on a small log and intertwined his hands together and explained as I listened to his explanation. It was too late, I already let the emotions get to me and that's when I knew I had to leave without them knowing.
"I'm going to head home, I'm pretty tired." I looked up and it was getting dark as the moon started to show.
"Do you want me to escort you back?"
"No." I instantly answered his offer and his face became confused and I smiled to avoid any curiosity.
"See you later Rose?" I thought about it for a moment and stopped in my tracks and turned back to him and ran and kissed him one last time, I knew I couldn't put anyone in danger it was too much. Over the last couple of months I accidentally let my mind wonder and slightly hurt the family and I knew I couldn't risk anything anymore. After what seemed like forever kiss I ran so fast to the cabin and packed everything away as tears strolled down my face, I rubbed them away.
"Concentrate Rose." I whispered to myself. Everything was packed I just had to try not to make any loud noises because they would know by then that something was off. I grabbed the suitcases and looked out the window and closed it, not jumping out of there today. I rushed down the stairs and avoided any noise by moving at a crazy speed. I opened the door quickly and looked at my car and grabbed my keys from the mantelpiece and opened the door and placed my suitcases into the backseats. I closed the door trying to make it seem as if there was just a family going out somewhere to avoid detection, I laughed to hide my sadness. I opened the front door and slowly climbed in and ignited the car, I shouldn't need a car anymore because of my speed by just running but I just wanted to feel...human.

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