Roses are red, vampires are white

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It was Friday night and I hadn't been to college for a couple days. I was too scared of what I was capable of and what Spencer couldn't understand about me that made me stronger than a vampire and that's when it hit me. Spencer was a vampire and he wasn't too afraid to say it. We had known each other for only two days when I saw him in the car accident and then at school but it felt like we'd known each other for years. I was sitting at my desk typing 'vampire' into the web and it came up with 'unable to stay in the sunlight." or "feeds from children's blood." and as I flicked through I couldn't see anything that related to me or Spencer. I shut the laptop in anger and heard the smash of glass, I slowly opened it up and a spiderweb of cracks had formed on the screen. I opened my window and threw the laptop out of the window but I didn't hear the sound of it hitting the floor. I slowly walked over to the window and saw Spencer gripping onto the laptop and waving it with his hands towards me.
"You know, you didn't have to take it out on the laptop!" He opened the laptop up and saw the damage I created and raised his eyebrow at me.
"I got angry with it." I played with the ends of my hair in embarrassment as I heard him barking in laughter, I narrowed my eyes.
"You know, you really shouldn't—" I looked out the window to see he wasn't there anymore, I checked to see if he was hiding in the trees or a bush but there was nothing.
"Shouldn't what?" I jumped in shock as a chill went down my spine.
"You're not funny!"
"Oh really because I think I am quite the comedian." He grinned and I pushed him hard enough he bounced onto my bed.
"Frisky, I like it." He winked at me in a playful manner and I rolled my eyes.
"I would like more answers from you." I folded my arms and leaned against the wall.
"Shoot." He gestured a hand movement for me to continue.
"Wooden stakes kill you myth or truth."
"The sun burns you myth or truth."
"You hunt children to feed on myth or truth."
"Where did you hear that?" He raised his eyebrows and laughed.
"Myth, Myth!"
"You sleep in coffins myth or truth."
"Myth, we don't sleep."
"You drink blood for your appetite myth or truth." He hesitated and looked down for a moment.
"Truth." I unfolded my arms and saw sadness in his eyes.
"You're not a monster, remember?" I held his chin up to make sure he could see my face and that I was serious.
"Rose, the only thing I crave is blood, I've killed before rose and they were humans but I managed to find a way to prevent me from being what I'm meant to be."
"And what is it?"
"Animals, I feed on animal blood, I was extremely thirsty one night as I couldn't stand to hurt any human and that's when I heard a deer running and I felt it's blood rushing around its body so that's when I snapped and drained it." He twitched his lip into a short smile.
"The blood didn't make me as strong as when I tasted human blood but it was enough to regain enough strength and that's when I found my new diet."
"So, technically you're a vegan." I laughed at the thought, a vampire vegan.
"I guess you could say that." He smiled at me and I smiled back. He broke the gaze after a couple seconds went past.
"The five you saw around me were part of Charles clan, we all wish to be normal 'people' but it's difficult when everything around you is meant to be food."
"I taught them my diet when I joined and they learnt but some of them joined after me such as Sophia and Eric, they require more time to be able to fully function with the diet."
"Are you fully capable with your diet?"
"Not yet, it could take many years for me to be fine with the sight and smell of human blood." I was curious, I wanted to know more but the number one thing I wanted to know was if it hurt him to be around me.
"Do you—" I tried to start but I didn't want to hurt him, it's the only thing I was afraid of. I saw confusion in his eyes.
"Do you crave my blood?" I looked at him hesitantly and watched him as he stepped up and walked towards the window. I didn't want him to leave, not yet at least.
"Please." I paused.
"Don't leave, not yet."
"You know I won't leave if you ask." I saw a hesitant smile twitch on his face.
"Spencer would you please stay." I sat cross legged on the bed with my head down so I wouldn't be hurt if he disappeared again. I felt fingers slowly lift my chin up, I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine.
"I guess I could stay." We laughed as he shaked his head side to side.
"Well, what should we do?" I asked as I looked into my mirror to take a grip out of my hair.
"I don't know, whatever is on your mind." He shrugged his shoulders and laid on my bed and looked up. I watched him from my mirror, his pale complexion was beautiful in every way. He turned his head into my direction and we continued to look at each other, it was unbreakable. My heart began to race and I did the unthinkable, I ran to the meadow. I stopped in the middle and the sky was dark filled with stars. Once again, I was in the same place. I felt like I was hyperventilating inside so I took deep breaths.
"Okay I get that you're new to this but Jesus please slow down!" He barked a laugh, I didn't respond to it he was behind me and I felt like stone and cement stuck me into one place like a statue.
"Listen, I know we've only known eachother a couple weeks—" I stopped him.
"Wait, a couple weeks? Why does it feel like it's been only a couple days?"
"Maybe because you're bored and you have no excitement in your life."
"How lovely of you to say that." A hint of sarcasm, I've always been the sarcastic one but he smiled and it set my heart on fire, I jumped onto the branch of a tree.
"Maybe we shouldn't be friends." I looked away into the distance trying to make my voice as confident as possible knowing it was hurting me, He didn't respond.
"You can't be serious." His voice was almost a whisper but I guess super hearing was added into the genes of a monster or whatever you call me.
"I'm serious." I gazed my eyes down into his and saw the sadness in them, he was pinning me gently to the bark of the tree in a matter of seconds.
"Don't lie to me Rose, I can sense you want me to stay."
"I don't want to hurt you." I had him in the same pinned position without a glimpse and let my arms fall as I sat on the branch.
"You don't know what I am, I don't know what I am but you already know I'm not your kind so what if I'm the killer of your kind." I looked him in the eyes seriously.
"I can't be around you if that's the case." Tears started to form in my eyes and it was pure silence for a couple seconds. He held my hand in his and he placed it on his chest.
"Feel that, I have no beat to my heart." He slowly placed my hand on my chest still intertwined with his.
"But your heart has a beautiful rhythm." He stroked my face gently.
"The blood flowing through your cheeks." He wiped a tear away from my face as it fell.
"And the tears of a soul in pain." I sat there with him watching him smile and it was perfect.
"You are nothing like a monster." He grinned.
"A monster in disguise?" I asked, he barked with laughter again.
"I must say little monster you have found the perfect beautiful disguise." He winked at me as blood began to flow more quickly to my cheeks.
"May I try something quickly with you?" He asked with his head tilted to the side like a dog that was confused, I gently nodded. He held both of my hands and slowly placed them on his cheeks, he let out a sigh and almost a laugh.
"I haven't felt warmth like this in years." I laughed as he continued to move my hands around his face like it was ice on a hot summers day.
"May I try something?" I asked with slight hesitation in my voice.
"Noo, five more minutes." He sounded like a child who wasn't able to wake up for a school day. He continued to move my hands around his face until I cupped his cheeks and well...I kissed him.

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