Undeniable love

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I looked in his eyes and his features and I couldn't take the feeling anymore of having to keep away from him but he always found a way to break that but now it was my turn. I pressed my lips against his and instead of a small peck this was real, he deepened the kiss as I slowly grabbed his hair. I felt the strength build inside of me but I ignored it and smiled as I felt it slip away, he moved down to my neck.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Nothing I'm just...getting better at this whole control my strength thing." I laughed to myself.
"Well good, this means if I ever turn your enemy...you can control yourself around me." I thought about what he said for a moment and grinned, I grabbed his arm and twisted it slightly so he was on the ground.
"You know I can't control myself around you but I will always be stronger than you."
"Is that so?" He grabbed my arm with his one free hand and dragged my down with him, he crawled on top of me and pinned my hands down.
"Now, who has the high ground now?" He winked at me.
"You should know I don't give up so easily but..."  I thought about my choices for a second to show that I still could take the high ground from him but I ignored them.
"...if I tried any of my moves I could hurt you and I care about you so I don't want to."
"So you admit you care about me huh?" He smiled brightly.
"I guess you could say that." I smiled back, he grazed my cheek with his fingers lightly and leaned in, I tilted him around.
"Now look who has the high ground." I winked at him and stood up. I walked to the edge of the waterfall and looked at the flowers in the water.
"Why do I feel like all of this was arranged into place?" I laughed.
"Because it was."  He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Wait, who arranged it?"
"My sister, well...the family of vampires I came into, we may not be a family but we treat each other like family."
"Is she the one that looked at me weird like she wanted to eat me?" I asked.
"Yes, yes it is." He laughed.
"She still struggles with her thirst." He became serious all the sudden.
"Well, that's no way to talk about your little sister is it now Spencer?" I turned around shocked by the unfamiliar voice and she leaned against a small tree. Her hair fell down to her shoulders and the colour was platinum and curled.
"It is nice to meet you Rose." She nodded her head in greeting and smiled, her innocence was sweet and it was impossible not to smile back.
"Her name is—"
"My name is Sophia." She interrupted Spencer so easily and grinned at him as he sighed and laughed in defeat.
"It is nice to meet you Sophia, I wish I was introduced to you earlier." I glared at Spencer but she stopped me.
"No, that wouldn't have been the safest option." I remembered she couldn't control her thirst.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh no please don't be sorry I'm just glad you like the meadow and the waterfall." She stepped on her toes for a second and put them back down and gave me a bright smile looking at her work around her.
"You also created the meadow too?"
"A long time ago, I go there sometimes when things get crazy."
"You're the crazy one here Sophia." Spencer laughed, she was silencing Spencer in seconds by pushing him down the waterfall followed by a splash and a grin, I laughed loudly and she noticed and laughed with me. Her voice was as sweet as a child but she looked my age.
"Oh Rose, I love your hair!" She quickly intertwined her fingers with my hair.
"So blonde but also some highlights of a light brown!" She gasped.
"Do you know what would look good in your hair?" She clapped.
"Roses?" Spencer squeezed the water from his shirt and I'd never seen him shirtless, I was mesmerised. Sophia rolled her eyes in Spencer's direction.
"I thought you would have found some fishies and decide to have a meal." Sophia made me burst out laughing and I hadn't laughed this much in a long time.
"Did I hear someone say fishies?" A male voice laughed behind us and we all turned, Sophia was gone in seconds and in his arms swinging her around.
"Hello Leo."
"Brother!" He ran to Spencer in seconds pushing him down the waterfall with him. I looked down and saw Leo was grabbing onto the rock of the waterfall and Spencer didn't quite catch on and fell. I offered a hand to him and he took it, I grinned and flew him into the sky followed by a scream and a thud of him hitting the floor again.
"Spencer your lady is strong."
"Stronger than all of us put together." He laughed.
"Hello Rose!" He shook my hand and tightened his grip, I looked into his eyes and grinned as I squeezed harder and he instantly let go, Sophia laughed.
"It's lovely to meet you Leo." I smiled.
"She's so...innocent." He raised his eyebrow and laughed.
"But dangerous." Sophia finished off his sentence.
"Jesus, is the whole family coming today." Spencer sighed.
"They've been dying to meet your girl."
"Easy I only just made her my girl today." He clenched onto my waist and I embraced him.
"Well they heard her screams and they got worried about her so they're just checking to see she's in one piece." Leo winked at Spencer as he rolled his eyes and that's when I saw them.
"Hello Rose."

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