Together again

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The whole family was delighted to see me awake again and their faces were filled with light.
"I'm so happy to see you alive!" Sophia clapped her hands quickly and smiled.
"Sophia I didn't die." I laughed at her.
"It's good to see you back on your feet Rose." Charles and Nadia smiled at me.
"Baby vamp escaped from her coma finally after—"
"A week and two days." I smiled at Leo but he was shocked.
"How did you know?" Spencer wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I made sure to listen to the update to make sure everyone was ok."
"But why didn't you just wake up." Spencer's eyes grew upset.
"Spencer I was scared, I hurt you, I threw you into a wall and I don't know what I'm going to with that cabin now."
"I fixed it!" Sophia raised her hand waved.
"Thank you Sophia." I smiled brightly at her and laughed when she winked.
"So she is awake." Marie stepped from out the corner and leaned on the wall away from me.
"Damn I thought she would've just died in her miserable coma." Spencer growled at Marie and I grabbed his chest backing him away from her.
"It's ok, I can take it." I smiled at Spencer as he took a step back and relaxed his shoulders, Marie's face grew angry.
"Marie whatever I did to hurt you I'm sorry—"
"Don't apologise please, you've already ruined this family." She walked away slowly down the stairs.
"Rose you have done nothing to this family don't worry you have actually saved us from Alex but ever since Eric died, we've never seen her smile and she always has her absurd attitude." Nadia sighed.
"I understand." I nodded to her and smiled as she smiled back.
"I'm going to go out for a run to stretch my legs out." They all burst out laughing.
"What did I say?"
"Sorry we're just not used to hearing things like that as we don't really have to stretch out or take a breath." Charles laughed again.
"I'm sorry." I laughed and nodded to say goodbye, I ran out and the trees flew past me and the smell of the air made me smile, so fresh and so beautiful. The sun was breaking through the clouds and I twirled around and jumped from tree to tree and looked at the view. I jumped off the tree and landed smoothly and ran again my laugh echoing through the trees, free at last. I looked at the cabin, my home I finally made it to my home, I ran to my room and saw everything was repaired, the walls didn't look damaged and no signs of cracks in the wall at all, oh I totally didn't smash Spencer through that wall and crushed Alex into pieces over there. I grazed my finger along the walls until my fingers grazed over a bump, I stopped and knocked on it. Hollow. I searched around for some kind of way to open something like in the movies but nothing and I wasn't risking knocking the wall down again with one small hit. I sat in my chair and scrolled through my emails and responded to my mother's asking how my week was going and deleting the others. I turned round in my chair and saw a small tree forming on my floor.
"Oh dear." I concentrated to try and get rid of it so I closed my eyes for a couple seconds and opened them and it was gone, I was getting the hang of this quickly. I flicked through all the elements on google. Fire, water, earth, air and the things I could combine with them. Frost, Clay, magma, lightning and then I thought about it.
"Lightning..." I concentrated on a small storm and then I heard the rain fall and a boom of thunder, I opened my eyes and stepped outside still concentrating on the storm. I imagined the lightning hitting the ground and causing a beam of light, I looked to my side and lightning hit the ground beside me I smiled. I thought about water and the rain so I made it rain heavier and I felt my clothes becoming drenched in the rain, I laughed.
"Rose, stop!" I let my hands fall and the clouds slowly disappeared and the rain slowed down.
"What are you doing I was just trying it out!"
"It's dangerous Rose especially for a 'newborn' like you!" I listened to him but then I realised the happiness I could make out of it, I smiled at Spencer and snow began to slowly fall around us and I held his face.
"Rose, you're the same temperature as me stop I don't like it."
"But it's beautiful."
"Something beautiful is already in front of me." I looked at him and he was smiling with his hand out, I embraced him.
"Hello." I smiled.
"Hello." He laughed. There was nothing that could separate our connection, we were like magnets we didn't want to leave each other ever.

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